How To Run Your E-cigarette Ad Campaign?

Posted by Ethan Wayne
Nov 29, 2019

Vaping becomes one the of most effective alternatives to the cigarette. However, yet because of several reasons, FDA doesn’t give clean chit to Vaping and e-cigarette industry. Therefore, one cannot indulge in the traditional e-cigarette ad campaign.

It becomes difficult for the vape business owners to promote their campaigns online as prominent search engines and social media Google, Yahoo, Facebook, Instagram and others don’t allow them as it uses nicotine. Therefore, the vape marketers need to run their campaigns through other available ways. The current post highlights some of those ways.

Local Business page

In the absence of google paid ads, it is difficult to get ranking instantly unless you are taking the help of the experienced digital marketers. However, though google prohibits the paid promotion but still they allow your vaping business as the local business. You can regularly post different activities of the business over that business page. Ask the people visiting your shop to review your shop on Google. Thus, it will create an awareness in the locality about the shop.


Facebook though prohibits the users from showcasing an advertisement but one can still have an official page of their vaping shop on FB and use it for e-cigarette ad campaign. On this official page, you can share the updates of the store, new products and latest offers on the page.

It will help you promote the business violating no rules and regulations. However, apart from the page, several communities and groups you will find where you can share the post about your shop. It is a great way to attract new vapers towards your business.

Email marketing

One of the most effective ways to promote your business is by doing email marketing. Email marketing is still one of the best ways to reach customers and re-market your products. You can do more offers and games or send out content and information. However, for effective email marketing, you need to make the people subscribe to your emails. New products, giveaways, regular discounts are some of good incentives to offer for their email address.

Insta Vape

Besides Facebook and other social media, Instagram has established itself as one of the prominent social media channels. Instagram doesn’t allow to promote vape products but won’t stop you to create a profile and promote your products.

Apart from that several tricksters with millions of flowers are present there on the Instagram. You can take the help of them to promote your products. In most of the cases, a gift is only cost that they demand.

Final Words

Therefore, over in this post, you have seen that apart from SEO still there are ways to run e-cigarette ad campaign for your vaping business. However, hiring an expert SEO will give you added advantage.

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