How To Organize Commercial Fitness Equipment In Your Facility?

Posted by Ryan Harris
Jun 18, 2022

Are you planning to start a fitness facility or a health club? Then you must be excited at the prospect of equipping your center with the latest gym machines. However, have you given a thought to organizing the equipment in your establishment? Most first-time prospective gym-owners hardly plan their machines’ placement before purchasing. They think it’s a job to be done once all the shopping has been done. They couldn’t be farther from the bull’s eye!

Seasoned professional fitness business owners make their shopping list only after identifying their customers’ needs, the latest trends, and the available space in their facility. This gives them a better chance to offer an improved fitness experience to their customers. Below are a few tips taken from the experienced owner’s playbook that will help you arrange your equipment in a user-friendly way.

1. Don’t Crowd Your Facility With Too Much Gear

One of the cardinal sins that new entrepreneurs commit is trying to install every fitness machine at their centers. This only leads to crowding with some pieces being under-utilized while creating long waiting lines for others. To avoid such a customer frustration-inducing situation, you must keep only the equipment that your clientele is interested in. Also, you need to do some math about the amount of interest each machine will drive. This will help you identify the equipment that you will need to buy more than one. It will also help in optimally spending your budget and having ample space for each unit in your center.

2. Create Functional Fitness Areas To Identify Spots For Each Machine

Once you’ve made the right shopping list, the next task is to identify the perfect place for each item. Here again, you need to keep customer expectations at the top of your mind. Divide your gym into separate functional areas dedicated to different training types. For instance, you can break down the space into separate areas for cardio, strength, and group training. Now think about placing the different commercial fitness equipment pieces in their relevant zones. This will ensure that each machine is placed just where your customers need it.

3. Invest In Storage Units For A Neat And Clean Look

Smaller gym equipment like dumbbells and kettlebells left haphazardly will make your facility look disorganized. They will also increase the chances of trips and falls and the related injury risks. Buy storage units where these items can be kept after use. There are various storage options like open shelves and close-door units available in the market. Choose the ones that are right for storing your items and designate spots for placing them in your floor plan. 

4. Plan Your Equipment Organization With Safety And Efficiency In Mind 

Finally, when planning the placement of your machines, keep user safety and experience at the center. For instance, you don’t want to assign too little space for cardio training, when it’s the most popular option among your customers. Similarly, keeping storage units for smaller items far from their use area will not serve the purpose of keeping your facility clutter-free. Sit with your staff and even ask your potential customers for suggestions. You can also tap a fitness equipment vendor that provides facility planning services for advice.

Final Word

Identifying the right fitness equipment for your facility is only half the job done. Planning their organization to ensure a fulfilling fitness experience is the vital next step. Utilize the ideas discussed here to properly organize your units and offer a great customer experience.

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