How to Make the Task of Breastfeeding Easier When You Are a New Mother

Posted by Harleen Kaur
Mar 13, 2020

Breastfeeding for new mothers is a new thing in the beginning. To make breastfeeding easier and healthy, teach your baby how to properly latch and make sure his/her mouth is wide open.

Breastfeeding tips are given to new mothers in the hospital but it might take some time for mothers to get a hang of the entire process. In the beginning, mothers are not able to figure out when the baby is hungry, how to offer the nipples, how the milk will come out and how the baby will latch on. Below are a few tips to keep in mind for you to master the skills of breastfeeding:


     Teach baby how to latch on

Mothers should learn how to position their baby in such a way so that the baby is latched tightly to the breast. Baby’s cheeks and skin should touch seamlessly with the mother and the lips should not be visible. Doing this will ensure that the latch does not hurt and the baby gets fed properly.


     Teach baby to open the mouth wide

Just attaching the mouth with the nipple will not be able to fix the problem. Babies need to have a wide mouth so that the bottom of the areola -- the area around the nipple -- is inside the baby’s mouth and the nipple is towards the back of her mouth. When the nipples are properly inside, the milk ducts will get empty properly. If the baby is latched on to the nipple, it causes pain and the body isn’t fully able to empty the breast. When the breasts don’t get empty properly, it stops sending signals to the breast to make more milk.


     Keep nipples moisturized

While you are breastfeeding, it is important to keep your nipples moisturized. Treat your cracked and sore nipples with a purified lanolin cream or a nursing ointment to make them moist. To make the nipples moisturized, it is recommended to apply a few drops of breast milk with clean hands.


     Treat clogged milk ducts

If women have clogged ducts because of the backing up of the milk, breastfeed more on the side of the plugged duct after at least two hours as that will help to loosen the clogs and allow the milk to flow properly. Taking hot showers and applying a cold compress after that helps in allowing the milk to flow well and reduces inflammation.


     Avoid pacifiers

Giving pacifiers in the first month can suppress the hunger cues and reduce the time babies will give to breastfeeding.


     Closely monitor your diet

New mothers need more calories than required during pregnancy so it is suggested to eat three balanced meals and healthy snacks once in a day.


     Let others do the housework

New mothers should avoid cooking, cleaning, doing the dishes or completing other household chores. It is also important to focus on self-care like eating proper food and taking proper rest.

In addition to keeping the breastfeeding tips in mind, new mothers should keep newborn baby diapers handy and extra in stock because these diapers are used readily when the newborn is born. One can buy baby diapers online in India on various e-commerce websites on discounted prices. The price of baby diapers is economical and many times one can find the diapers priced at a lower price on eCommerce websites. Diapers online have all the features which are otherwise found in diapers when bought from chemist shops.

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