How to Identify and Update your McAfee License Validity?

Posted by Maria William
Mar 21, 2018

McAfee computer security Software Company offers a free trial version of many of its products. Users can access features including AntiVirus Plus, All Access, and Internet Security without having to purchase the subscription. However, to run the advanced features of McAfee antivirus, subscribe to a product and redeem McAfee license key code that will be used while activation.

If you already have McAfee activate installed on your device, it is essential to check the validity of the product. Keep the security software up-to-date in order to maintain the security of your data and computer. To check the license validity of your product, visit, login to your McAfee account and check for subscription status.

In case, you are encountering any glitches with while checking the validity of your McAfee product, follow the instructions mentioned below.

How to examine your McAfee License validity?

  1. Open an updated web browser and visit -
  2. On the main page, enter your McAfee activation key under ” Enter your 25-digit activation code” field
  3. Provide your email address and submit
  4. You will be prompted to the McAfee login page, enter your login detail associated with your McAfee account and enter to your profile
  5. Select your Computer details on which the McAfee product is actively running by getting into the My Account page and view your license validity details
  6. Next, go to the McAfee program section and double-click on the ‘M’ icon indicating McAfee
  7. Click on the Navigation button in the McAfee program page
  8. Press “Subscription” button to check your license details and its validity

Please note that the product expiry date should match the date shown on ‘My Account’ page or otherwise, you might need to purchase the subscription again for more information.


  • The security software company recommends renewing the subscription before it exceeds the expiration date
  • Try to renew the subscription within the next 30 days. To do this, visit and login your McAfee account and do the procedure displayed on your screen. You may need to provide the billing details to complete the purchase
  • It is possible that the end date of your McAfee validity will be incorrect in your system depending on your computer’s date & time. Also, make sure that your computer has an active internet connection to activate the license.

If your McAfee product is already activated but you are experiencing any other error related to the software, get professionals support by calling on McAfee Toll-Free number. In case, you are facing any error during the process, get assistance from McAfee Customer support.

Maria Williams is a renowned technical writer. She has been keeping a stern concern over the updates and errors of various anti-virus and security software. Through her blogs and articles, she strives to deliver the information in order to make awareness about the updates and error fixing methods.

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