How to Grow Your Customer Base and Retain Customers

Posted by Samantha Higgins
Jun 11, 2021

Are you looking for great ways to grow your customer base? As a business owner, your goal should not only be to find new customers but also to retain them. The longer the relationship you have with a customer, the more lucrative it will be. Here are some great new tips that will help you grow your customer base and retain your customers.

Offer Free Trials for Your Products

One of the most effective ways to grow and retain your customer base is to offer them free trials. Trials can be one of the most reliable methods of converting free users to paid users. The idea here is to give them a sufficient taste of the product or service that you offer. This will give them a means of deciding if this product is right for their needs.

Once they have had sufficient time to make up their mind, you can then proceed to up the ante. What you ought to do is let them know that, for a reasonable fee, they can have access to an upgraded model with even more features. Give them a deadline to enjoy their free trial but make them aware that their ultimate goal should be to buy the full model.

Make Sure You Have Great Customer Support

When it comes to your customer support, you can't be too careful. This is not an area where you can afford to cut corners or take a "hands-off" approach. You need to be on top of every aspect of your customer service. If you can't handle the volume of customer emails and calls by yourself, you should hire a third-party call service.

You need to be sure that your customers feel that you are fully proactive and responsive to their various needs. The people that buy goods from your store need to feel that every action they take on your site is fully secured. You also want them to feel that you will gladly do all in your power to enhance their customer experience.

Offer Discount Coupons and Promo Codes

You should always offer special discounts and promo codes in order to encourage a high amount of customer loyalty. These codes should be not be treated as loss leaders or freebies. Look at them as legitimate bait to bring in customers who are interested in saving upfront on future purchases.

Keep a Highly Active Email List

You should be doing all in your power to encourage your customers to join your email list. This is the primary means by which you can hand out free promo codes, coupons, and other special discounts and "members only" offers. It's also the best way to keep people informed of all the latest news, product arrivals, and other notable events.

Make the Best Use of Social Media

You should be using all of your social media accounts to the fullest. You can use them to promote your business, launch your PPC (Pay Per Click) ads, and interact directly with your customers. You can also use it to recruit new customers for your email list and as a place to post top-quality SEO content.

It's Time to Grow Your Customer Base

Making full use of these handy tips and tricks is well recommended. You can use them to grow your customer base and retain legions of long-term loyal fans. The increase in sales that you can garner from a few simple moves will be well worth the effort. The time for you to use these proven customer retention tactics to your advantage is now.



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