How to choose between different wedding reception locations

Posted by John Mcclane
Jun 21, 2019

One of the top decisions any couple about to marry will make concerning their wedding day is where the reception is going to be. Where you gather everyone for the celebration of your union can have a huge impact on how the event turns out, and what memories you and guests are left with. Weddings in Ocean County NJ, or anywhere take a lot of planning, and it is not all just about what you want as a couple, but also what would then be good for whom you invite. The difference between somewhere like a public park or a conference center, Toms River, and the different atmospheres to choose from need careful consideration.

What can you afford

Before you start looking at locations and get too caught up potentially in ones that are out of your budget, you need to establish how much of your wedding budget is being spent on the reception. The more you can spend, the wider the choices. Budget is a good way to narrow down some options straight away and gives you a good place to start from.

What theme or mood do you want?

If you want something outdoorsy and natural then a park, beach or even the grounds of a country club could be just right. If you want something classy and elegant, then a nice hotel with a grand conference room could be just the thing.

How accessible are you making it for your guests?

If you want guests to come and celebrate the day with you, they need to be able to find the place and get there! Try to think about what the plan would be for transport. If you know people are not going to want to do shuttle buses or such, perhaps you should choose weddings in Ocean County NJ to be closer to public transport options.

When is it happening?

When you have the wedding reception can have a huge impact on everything from budget, to whether guests can travel to it. Places that have weddings and receptions charge a lot more during peak wedding season. You also have to book far ahead.

How large does it need to be and does it have the facilities needed?

The number of guests you are inviting decides on how large a space you need to hire. You need to have enough room for people to move around but not too much space. It is also important you have facilities like bathrooms, maybe a place the bride can go to change, ramps for wheelchair users and so on.

Does the package include food and drink?

How you decide to handle food and drink is up to you, some people just offer a buffet, some have a proper sit-down meal, there are also stations that are themed at some. Are you having an open bar? Is what you want available at the location you are considering? If you are choosing something like a conference center Toms River, does it have a kitchen that caterers can use to set up?

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