How to Build Strong Keyword Strategy that Helps Present Boom and Future

Posted by Shubham Yadav
Sep 18, 2018

Among the tips and tricks of SEO, keyword unquestionably plays a significant role in enhancing the business over the World Wide Web. A keyword is a phrase, which people search on Google or other search engines in order to search for a product, a service, a business or any type of information. Therefore, the appropriate keyword strategyis required to appear in the right searches. There are some factors that are to be considered in order to make this strategy. It is required to understand what exactly the source of the keyword is.

Origin of Keyword

The keyword actually takes birth in the mind of the consumer. When someone has to search for something on a search engine, he/she enters a word or a phrase for that whatever comes into his/her mind. A number of consumers sometimes leave the connecting words like “of” or “in”, and of course there are some who used these words. Suppose, someone has to search about the health clubs in New York, then some of the internet users will simply search “health clubs in New York”, and there will be some who may just search  “health club New York”. So, both of these phrases can act as keywords.

Keywords in SEO Process

Appropriate usages of keywords on the web pages or in the promotional content take your website at top rankings when people search that keyword on the search engines. But, the usage should also be logical and there should not be excessive stuffing of keywords. Some years ago, a number of entrepreneurs used to do excessive stuffing to take the website on the top ranking. To stop the undeserving websites from coming on the top, Google had to launch several algorithms updates.

What to Consider for Choosing a Keyword

A plenty of aspects are required to be considered for choosing the keywords. A few of them can be read as under:

Target Audience: The target audience is a major facet that is required to be kept in mind. It helps a lot to understand the keyword strategywithout any second thought. Keywords may vary depending upon the audiences even if they are searching the same field but in a different perspective. For example, if you need the medical related keywords for your website, there can be different types of target audiences. There may either be the individuals who are seeking the medical aids, or there may be some who are looking for the medical jobs. Quite obviously, distinct keywords are required in these cases. For the medical assistance, the keywords can be “medical aid in New York”, “hospitals in New York”, etc.  In other cases, the keywords you can use will be “medical jobs in New York”. There can be more specific keywords. For example, those who are seeking the medical aid can have some specific requirement such as kidney transplant, cardiac surgeons or dentists etc. So, the specific keywords can be “kidney transplant in New York”, “cardiac surgeons in New York”, “dentists in New York”, and more. Similarly, when a person is looking for medical jobs, it can be a simple nursing job, a nursing job for a specific persona, a surgeon’s job, a resident doctor’s or a medical officer’s job and more. So the keywords should be decided accordingly.

Demography of the Target Audience: It is also necessary to understand, because the interests of users may vary according to their specific culture. So, if your business or your website targets the people of a specific location, you can easily set the keywords according to them. Besides, the terminology of various locations can be different and may be influenced by their local languages, and you may need to modify the keywords according to them.

Interests of the Target Audience: Interests impact the human behavior and therefore may influence the keyword search. So, it is recommended to understand the interests of your target audience in order to set your keyword goals.

Clear Goals: Another aspect is to set clear goals. When the goals are vague, they cannot be measured and it becomes difficult to make the strategies. If the goals are not clear, making keyword strategy also becomes arduous. The first thing you need to do is set the goals for your business. There is no doubt that the utmost goal should be increasing your business and revenue. The connected goals can be generating the brand awareness and cutting costs. All the keywords should be decided keeping the goals in mind. The additional things for goals may be when to do, how to do, what to do, who the target audience is, and where to do (on the website in case of online businesses). In case of keywords, the keyword strategies should be made with specific goals to increase traffic till the specific dates.

Doing the Competitor’s Analysis: There are a number of advantages of doing an analysis of your competitors. First of all, you can set your own path and you can understand it clearly, what you need to surpass. Moreover, you can also understand what is already done in the area. It helps in analyzing which strategies work and which do not work. So, you save yourself from wasting the time on the things, which are of less or no use. It also helps you in making the keyword strategies. You can also decide whether you have to use the same keywords or different keywords than your competitor. It is not necessary to use the same keywords; you can use the other ones being searched by the internet users.

Tools to Get the Right Keywords

Quite obviously, the first thing to understand what your keyword should be is your common sense. You can think what you will search if you need the services from someone which is same as the service you are providing. It can help you to understand the keywords on which you may work in the SEO process. But, there are also some internet tools, which tell you the appropriate keywords by analyzing the types of people’s searches over the internet. There are some paid tools, and of course, the free tools are also available. If you are a beginner, you can start with the free tools. When your business reaches some significant level, you can go for the paid tools. The tools like Google Keyword Planner can help you in this regard.

What you need to understand is that you need a strong keyword strategy if you want to reap the benefits of SEO, as it builds the foundation of your campaign. You can discover many more strategies through market observation and analysis. You can read the content of other websites, which can also give you the idea about keywords or keyword strategies.

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