How to attract qualified and skilled catering staff online?

May 14, 2018

Finding the top wait staff online to fill shifts for your commercial kitchens, event catering, on-site catering, restaurants, franchise food chains, or large-scale food preparation may seem like a daunting task, especially if you are not quite versed with the online community.

So what to do?

In order to attract the right talent for your catering business, you can write a couple of articles on subjects related to catering staff and how to find jobs and get paid more, and post them on online article directories. Remember to add a link to your email or your business website so interested people will be prompted to contact you. You can also place a couple of ads to an online publication that delivers emails to a particular niche group.

That being said, posting classifieds and writing articles can be a time-consuming project and doesn’t seem too productive especially if you have a busy work routine. Now you may think that it's almost impossible to cut your costs and increase your productivity both at the same time. With catering staffing software, though, that is possible.

You may have heard about staffing software before, but you may not be aware of what it can really do. Just as the name sounds, staffing software is an online staffing platform that can help you streamline your staff management. Among their limitless applications, one of the most common is that they can help you hire top catering staff without breaking a sweat.

Working with a good staffing software results in a higher productivity for your business.


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