How Probiotics Keep You Healthy?

Posted by Sanzyme Biologics
Aug 7, 2020
Probiotics are made of live microorganisms or yeasts that are naturally available in your body. You continually have both bad and good microscopic organisms in your body. When you get a disease, there are more bad microorganisms affecting your health. Good microscopic organisms help dispense these bad microbes, restoring the balance. Taking probiotic-supplements is a way to add good microorganisms to your body. Probiotics are good microscopic organisms that can help to keep your body function efficiently. These microbes help your body, including defending bad microorganisms when you have a lot of them, thus helping your immunity.

Scientists are still uncertain about how effective probiotic supplements are for curing ailments. Though there's steady research that has shown positive outcomes of the effect of probiotic supplements, more exploration is required.

It’s also necessary to keep in mind that probiotic supplements need not be approved by the FDA, unlike medications. This means manufacturers can sell supplements only with “claims” of safety and effectiveness.

Benefits of Probiotic

  • Probiotics can help to balance your digestive system
  • Probiotics can help to prevent and to treat diarrhea
  • Probiotic supplements can help to improve a few mental health issues
  • Certain probiotic strains can help in taking care of the heart
  • Probiotics can help to reduce the severity of a few specific allergies
  • Probiotics can help to reduce symptoms of digestive disorders
  • Probiotics can help to boost your immunity
  • Probiotics can help to lose weight & fat

Introducing probiotics to your kid’s diet through food is the safest and wise way to give them good bacteria. Yogurt is usually a part of a balanced diet that has probiotics in it naturally and can add good bacteria to the body without any risk. It’s always advisable to talk to your kid’s pediatrician before giving your kid any supplement. There are many commercially available probiotic supplements designed for infants and children specifically.

If you wish to add probiotics to your diet, it’s recommended to have a consultation with your doctor so that they can help you choose the right probiotic to start with, how much to take and when to take it. Many may suggest trying and seeing if they help to improve your health. It is necessary to know that not all probiotics behave in the same way or have the same effects. Each of them has its own specific advantages. They generally are harmless. An easy way to start can be by just adding probiotic-containing foods into your diet, like yogurt, buttermilk, cottage cheese, kombucha, fermented pickles, kimchi, miso soup, etc.

Effective Aquaculture Probiotic Ecosense

Probiotics are made not only for humans, but are also used in Aquaculture. This is due to the fact that there has been a drastic increase in the use of antibiotics which has led to the imbalance in the gut.

Uneven growth in fish and shrimp cultivation can be caused due to a number of factors. One such condition is being in unfavorable growth conditions. 

Probiotics can help them to increase the importance of maintaining sustainable and safe solutions. 

Sanzyme Biologics is also known for its production of many probiotics like Sporlac, but it has also ventured into the aquaculture sector and is working towards stabilizing fish and shrimp cultivation. One of their products is Aquaculture Probiotic Ecosense, which is a blend of six Bacillus species. Some of the key benefits of this probiotic are:

  • They can help to produce various antibacterial substances that can effectively control Vibrio loads in water.
  • They can also produce enzymes like lipase, amylase, protease, and cellulase which aid in digesting organic waste which is harmful to phytoplanktons.

Bacillus clausii is a known high tolerance strain towards acid, sugar, salinity, and high thermal stability which benefits from the human body. B. clausii is easy to formulate and disperse. It can even easily survive the gastric acid barrier & bile proliferation in the intestine by releasing antimicrobial substances. It is also active against other pathogenic microbes that can resist a few unique antibiotics, thus supporting a healthy gut. You can buy bacillus clausii in the form of sachets, tablets, capsules, and powders available in any nearby pharmacy.
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