How important are Safety Shoes at Workplace?

Posted by Deepika Olive
Feb 10, 2016
You can’t ignore the fact that foot injury is the main cause of almost 25% of disability that is worldwide. And this mostly occurs at the workplace. So how can you avoid this? Well, the most unexpected but an appropriate answer to this is wearing safety shoes. It is one of the most important personal protective equipment (PPE) that should be used at the construction and industrial sites.

Though safety shoes in India or any other country is very important at your workplace involving risk, many people ignore their importance. To make you realize how important they are to ensure your safety, here are some functions of safety shoes:

Protects from falling or puncture

Falling becomes a common hazard where many heavy vehicles, machines and people are working together. Also, there might be many sharp objects in your path when you work at construction work-sites. Wearing safety shoes in such situations can protect you from both falling and puncture. These shoes are made of thick materials and heavy duty soles that prevent injuries to the feet.

Protects from cutting hazards

When you work at a site with machines that are sharp and have moving parts, there is the risk of cutting your feet. So, to prevent you from cutting hazards, safety shoes are very important. You can buy the best quality safety shoes in India from a reputable manufacturer.
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