How Cannabis can help with the hot flashes and menopause?

Posted by Sandra Brown
Sep 2, 2020

Many people consider cannabis just for the high effect that they can have with the recreational use of the herb. But actually, the uses and effects of cannabis are not limited.  They in fact interact with several systems of human body including the reproductive system. The influencing nature of the cannabis makes it to get engaged with the sex hormones inside the human body that is the main reason why women undergoes menopause and suffer from the hot flashes.

Menopause is that period of a woman’s life where menstruation starts getting slow down and eventually reaches to a phase where it actually stops. It is basically the period that comes to women in 50s or their mid-40s. Once the women reach the phase they can no longer conceive. A woman has to go through 3 phases of menopause in her life i.e. perimenopause, menopause and post menopause.

·         Perimenopause – is the time before the end of the menstruation. It is when the estrogen level in body starts reducing. It starts few years before your body enters the menopause phase.

·         Menopause – Menopause starts when the body’s ovulation process stops which means body can no longer produce high amount of estrogen.

·         Post menopause – it is after the 12 months when the last menstrual cycle happens. Now all of your menopausal symptoms get ease.

Hot Flashes are the sudden burst of heat which has the capability to drive you crazy within few seconds but last temporary. It is the most common symptom of menopause that has been troubling almost 2/3rd of women who are dealing with the situation. It can turn your cheeks to red and can make your body start sweating seconds.

Other symptoms of menopause are insomnia, pain, weight gain, fatigue and osteoporosis. The side effects of the condition can be anxiety or depression.

What is the role of Endocannabinoid system in Menopause?

Endocannabinoid system maintains homeostasis in the body thus effecting system maintaining hormonal balance. Endocannabinoid system helps to regulate -

1.       Sleep

2.       Temperature control

3.       Reproductive cycle

4.       Mood

5.       Appetite

6.       Metabolism

7.       Sugar, etc.

How THC helps in hot flashes?

The effect of THC in lowering the temperature of body is not hidden. What it does is mimicking on the endocannabinoid structure called anandamide. The more amount of cannabis you consume the lower the temperature will be. While on the other hand, if you consume small dose of THC it can raise your body temperature. Thus if you are struggling get rid of hot flashes then try consuming a high THC cannabis strain. You can try strains like Tuna Kush to avoid hot flashes.

Keep in mind that your cannabis dosage depends upon your condition and there are strains that can help you particularly with the symptom. Also try consulting your doctor about consuming cannabis for the menopause and hot flashes so that you are advised on the best strain to pick.

How was your experience with cannabis for hot flashes? Do share with us. Was it helpful in the treatment?

Comments (1)
Steven A. Donaldson

Native speaking English teacher

Only a dope smokes dope

Sep 2, 2020 Like it
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