How Blocked Drain Can Be Easily Cleaned

Posted by Dial A Contractor
Oct 16, 2023

The unpleasantness of clogged drains cannot be overstated. In addition to being a significant headache for the home, blocked drains are also quite ugly because they are rife with bacteria and fill the air with foul aromas.

At some point in their lives, every homeowner will experience this inconvenience, and if it isn't swiftly resolved, there is a good chance that it may also result in some health issues. This is true whether the clog is in a shower, toilet, or sink.

Blocked drain can be caused by a variety of things, from carelessly flushing foreign objects down the drain to a considerable buildup of hair, grease, and other debris. We will be better able to avert problems if we are aware of the specific causes of each one. When a homemade drain cleaner like baking soda just won't work, here's what you need to know to permanently fix the problem.

Block Drains Resulting from Hair

A hair accumulation that clogs a drain is a common sight. Most of the time, it's a fairly straightforward task to simply remove the hair, but if it's not resolved right away, it can cause a lot of problems down the road.

Hair falling from the body in the shower, while getting ready over the basin, and in the bathroom is one of the common causes of clogged sinks and drains. There are ways to fix your drain and put in place a long-term solution, even if it affects many houses.

How Can I Unclog Blocked Drains Caused by Hair?

Remove a little section of hair with gloved hands to prevent it from getting worse. Drain cleaning supplies can also be purchased to help remove hair from the drain. However, it's important to proceed with caution because some tools and low-cost hair removal options might make the problem worse.

It's essential to remove the hair before it clogs the entry to the drain pipes. If you can't reach the hair or if the devices aren't working as they should, it's time to call our blocked drain professional.

Plant and dirt drains that are locked

Natural waste like trees, shrubs, dirt, and leaves, in particular after spring and fall, can cause issues for blocked drain. Regular garden maintenance is essential to the effectiveness of your water drains and pipes and keeps the exterior area pleasant.

How Do I Unclog Dirt and Plant-Filled Drains?

Maintain a clear outdoor area to prevent plants, leaves, and dirt from clogging the drains. If this problem is allowed to persist for a long time, your drains will get significantly clogged. Keeping your yard free of leaves and dirt is the greatest way to reduce buildup, but oftentimes the real issues are concealed beneath the surface. Tree roots can damage the drain lines in your property, causing significant obstructions and leaks. 

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