Home Health Care Recipients Lower Expenses With This Financial Optimization Tool

Posted by PRC Agency
Jul 24, 2024

Home health care services can significantly enhance your quality of life, providing regular monitoring and giving you access to the professional care you need, when you need it. And while these services are invaluable, they can also be pricey. With help from Recession Resister, you can make sure your other household expenses are where they should be. Recession Resister automatically analyzes your paid bills to look for overpayments. Then, they get you refunded.

Did you know Millions of Americans are overpaying for basic monthly services by a collective $60 billion every year? Find out if you're one of them and how much you're owed by learning more about Recession Resister at https://recessionresister.com


The financial burden imposed by home health care is a significant concern for many families. A 2024 survey conducted by Genworth Financial reveals the average cost of home care services in the US is approximately $5,500 a month.

Recession Resister aims to address the growing financial challenges faced by individuals and families relying on home health care. Through a combination of Bill Saver smart technology and a team of expert negotiators, Recession Resister helps you lower your monthly expenses by identifying and overturning service provider billing errors and refunding you the money you're owed.

This practical cost-savings approach can result in an instant injection of funds, and savings over the long-term.

A spokesperson for Recession Resister explains:

“Most customers don’t know they are being overcharged for basic monthly services. Chances are your monthly costs for services have increased consistently over time without you noticing, or your bills include hidden fees and old charges that should have disappeared but did not. Our goal is to put this money back into your savings account, where it belongs.”


Recession Resister offers a comprehensive suite of tools aimed at lowering your household expenses wherever possible.

The platform’s Bill Saver technology analyzes your paid TV, internet, mobile, satellite, electricity and security invoices for overages, obsolete fees, hidden fees, and other charges that were inadvertently paid.

Once this audit identifies mistaken overpayments, Recession Resister’s negotiations teams step in on your behalf, contacting your service providers to correct all errors for the future and to secure owed refunds immediately.

And here's a bonus: If you live in a deregulated state, Recession Resister offers an energy auto-switching service that connects you with utility companies offering the most competitive rates. To date, this service has collectively saved their customers more than $1 million.


Recession Resister’s financial optimization services are easy to access. Simply upload as many bills and original contracts as you'd like to their platform. You'll get detailed reporting and communications that allow you to review your savings potential and then decide whether you want Recession Resister to proceed in correcting the errors and securing your refund on your behalf. You won't need to lift a finger.

In line with their consumer-oriented approach, Recession Resister is a performance-based service. If it turns out there are no mistakes or sneaky fees in your bills, you owe nothing. If Recession Resister identifies errors and you decide to secure your refund, you pay just 50% of your overall savings.

A recent customer says, “I didn’t even realize I could negotiate some of [my] bills. Bill Saver got me a lower bill for my cable, internet, my cellphone, and my energy. And I didn’t have to do a thing to enjoy hundreds of dollars in savings.”

If you're juggling the added cost of essential home care services, Recession Resister offers you a seamless way to minimize your home expenses through their user-friendly platform.

Learn more about Recession Resister and give it a try at https://recessionresister.com

Recession Resister City: Portland Address: 11923 NE Sumner St Website: https://recessionresister.com
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