Hire me. Resume secrets

To find the job of your dreams, you need to prepare a resume that, in the eyes of the employer, will make you a dream candidate.
Everyone has heard the phrase "You never get a second chance to make a first impression." This is true, at least as far as resumes are concerned. The first (and good) impression you need to make is with recruiters. That is why you need to choose one of the good resume writing services in order to take into account all the nuances and know the secrets of this process. Many companies use special programs to initially evaluate candidates' resumes, but when it comes to people, it's the recruiters who will be reading your creations.
How to write the perfect resume? I will say right away that in each case an individual approach is needed. Although it seems to many that there is nothing easier than writing a resume and quickly posting it on a job search site, the apparent simplicity brings more problems than solutions.
No humor allowed
A resume is a business document. When composing, do not use irony, humor or sarcasm. Jokes aside, business style will get you better results than even a current joke. Leave all the fun for later, when you get hired and understand how the life of the company works from the inside, and whether it’s worth it to immediately show the talents of a humorist in a new place.
A photo
One of my favorite resume items is the photo. In a revealing T-shirt or with a glass of wine in hand in a club, they are not suitable for a resume. Informal atmosphere, other people and animals in the photo should not be. It is also inappropriate to send a photo “like a passport”. The photo must, first of all, correspond to the position for which you are applying. It is not necessary to wear a formal suit and tie if you are not aiming for top managers. I also recommend that you take care of the good quality of the photo. If there is no suitable photo, then it is not critical. But if you imagine that I have 50 resumes in front of me, then those with a photo are in priority.
Microsoft office
Popular resume templates and professional HR advise you to include strategically important skills that you possess in your resume. This could be knowledge of Java, Final Cut Pro, Arabic, and so on. Include all the skills, not just the ones that make you the perfect candidate for the position, but the ones that just make you stand out. However, Microsoft Office is not a skill, it is assumed by default.
Maternity leave
You are not required to explain pauses in work, this applies to personal information. Personal information such as age, marital status, or whether or not you have children may make you vulnerable to discrimination. Employers do not have the right to ask about such things, and you should not share this information voluntarily.
Not a word about communication
It is worth recognizing that template phrases such as “sociable”, “stress-resistant”, “trainable” are present in almost every resume, which is why they have lost their original meaning and the recruiter does not perceive them as your strengths. Yes, you may indeed have these qualities, but it would be better if you paraphrase them. Weaknesses should not be indicated in the resume, I would rather call them “growth zones”, prepare this for a personal interview.
Social media profiles
Think about whether to link to your page on social networks - especially if there is a lot of superfluous stuff there. In the visibility settings, limit the ability to view your pages. Leave personal information to communicate with friends and family. Avoid redundant, irrelevant information in your resume. These facts can easily spoil the picture of you in front of a new employer.
Cover letter
When submitting a resume from a job site, you can fill out the standard “Please consider my resume…” form. You can formulate in different ways, but the summary should be simple, clear and without errors.
I also recommend adding a few words from yourself about why you are interested in the vacancy. Then your resume will stand out from the crowd. 90% of people send a standard resume without bothering to write cover letters.
Summing up, I will write out separately the most common mistakes in the resume, which you have a chance to avoid after reading this article:
- bad photo;
- non-business email;
- a lot of water, no structure;
- inconsistency with the vacancy;
- template phrases;
- no cover letter.
The ideal resume takes one page of an A4 sheet. Remove everything superfluous, but still do not forget that we are all different, and my recommendations are only advice based on experience. It is likely that some employer will like you precisely because you slightly violated generally accepted standards and added a bright detail to your resume. The main thing is that they work for you and bring you closer to the desired vacancy. And if doubts or insecurity in your resume disappear, you can always turn to a professional for help.
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