Here are different types of meditation you can start your journey with

Posted by Jimmy O.
Dec 8, 2023

If you talk about meditation like Guided Meditation vs Unguided Meditation then it has become popular in recent years and a lot of people are doing it to help them focus and improve their attention meditation techniques were used in ancient times so visit this page and people have more awareness regarding this it is connecting your body with your soul and accepting different difficult emotions and it also helps you cope with different stress and also improve your immunity if you go for spiritual tradition it will strengthen your faith and bring peace and harmony.

One type of meditation is mindfulness meditation

If we talk about mindfulness meditation like Guided Meditation vs Unguided Meditation it originated from the Buddhism religion and it is the popular one in the Western side mindfulness meditation is paying attention to your thoughts and when the thoughts pass through your mind you don't judge or become involved with one thought only but you observe your mind and think what is passing through your mind and this will combine your concentration and we'll be able to focus with your thoughts and feelings plus it can be practiced alone.

Another type of meditation is spiritual meditation

If we talk about spiritual meditation comes from all religions and different traditions a lot of people in Christianity or Sufi decor like a remembrance of God do different spiritual meditations so they can have a deeper relation with the supreme being this can involve different techniques and it can happen in the place of worship or at home like Guided Meditation vs Unguided Meditation and for this, they need to make a deeper connection with the force.

The meditation you can do is the focused and guided meditation

If you talk about focus meditation or Guided Meditation vs Unguided Meditation they have different concentration as you have five senses you need to focus on each individually and you have to go through all the sensations to help focus your attention like you have to do different spreads and counting them you can even do moon gazing plus you can even look at the flame and stare at it this practice is simple and it is for the beginners for the focus of the longer time and it can be done for a few minutes or as much as you like.

Another type of meditation is movement meditation

If you talk about movement meditation it involves your body like Guided Meditation vs Unguided Meditation a lot of people think that yoga when movement meditation but different types of practice are included like walking gardening different gentle forms of movement to make your body active and with slower movements, you can have a deeper connection with your body and the moment you are present in it so you just don't drift away in your thoughts and when doing this you will feel that you are eliminating the negative thoughts in your mind.

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