Guide to Crop and Edit Photos on Apple devices

Posted by John Morrison
Dec 19, 2018

Whatever we do, there are lots of chances that even after executing the task with all the planning, we make mistakes. After making mistakes, in most of the situation, many of the errors can be corrected because always we have all the tools to fix it. So while using Apple devices, we can crop and edit our photos. Below is the process to do it.

Part 1. Cropping a Photo

  1. Launch Photos- On the Home Screen of Apple devices user may find a white Application with a colorful pinwheel icon.
  2. Hit an album. The user might have various albums menu here, like, “Camera Roll,” “Favorites,” “people,” and “Places.”
  3. Select a photo that you need to edit. It will enlarge the picture to near full-screen.
  4. Hit the menu button to launch the editing options. The user can navigate it just below the screen to the left of the garbage can icon.
  5. Hit the crop button to launch the cropping list. It is at the below-left corner of the screen.
  6. Crop the photo. It gives the user two methods of cropping the photo.
  • Manual – Hit and drag an edge of the side of the picture. Pulling the bottom upward, for example, will remove anything below it from the photo.
  • Preset – Hit the crop on the lower right-hand side of the screen to view a menu of preset aspect ratios such as Square or 9:16. Hitting a preset will get apply it user’s photo.
  1. Hit Done. It is visible at the lower right corner of the screen. It saves cropping changes and exits the photo editor.
  • At the below-left corner of the screen, the user can hit Cancel, followed by Discard Changes, to return to the photo’s real state.

Part 2. Editing a Photo

  1. Hit the menu button to launch editing options.
  2. Hit the Contrast button visible above-right of the screen to automatically enhance the selected photo. It will automatically balance the photo’s light, contrast, and other setting levels to make the picture more appealing to the eyes.
  3. Hit the filter button at the below-left side of the screen to launch the filter menu.
  4. Hit the Brightness button visible to the right of the Filters button to balance different light options:
  • Light- Regulate feature of photos like highlights, shadows, and contrast.
  • Color – Regulate color contrast, saturation, and cast.
  • B&W – Regulate tone, strength, and grain of the photo.
  1. Hit the downward-facing arrow to the right of a light option. It will launch the specific list; from here, users will be able to select additional features (e.g., Exposure), hit and drag a slider left or right to increase or decrease the feature presence in photo, and then hit ellipsis icon in the right side of the screen to go back to the light option.
  2. Hit Close. It is visible at the below-right corner of the screen. It helps to return to the editing page.
  3. Hit the ellipsis button. It is also known as More button and is visible right to the adjustment button below the screen.
  4. Hit Markup. Below the screen, it is visible as a pop-up option. It helps to draw on the photo and helps to add a caption.
  5. Finish editing your photo. When all the changes are made on the picture, hit done below right corner of the screen. It will save the changes and will close the photo editor interface.

Stephen Strange is a self-professed security expert; he has been making the people aware of the security threats. His passion is to write about Cybersecurity, cryptography, malware, social engineering, internet and new media. He writes for Norton security products at

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