Get The Best Neuropathy Treatments In Orange CA With These Innovative Methods!

May 6, 2021

Even if past treatments for your neuropathy have failed, Dr. Barry Marks is here to tell you that there’s another way. His treatments are designed to provide long-term relief for your symptoms while targeting the underlying cause of your condition. Best of all, it’s drug-free, surgery-free, and the initial evaluation is free! 

Dr. Marks has expanded his center’s specialist treatment program for peripheral neuropathy. The Orange, California-based chiropractor makes available non-surgical therapies for your local community across Orange County.

Click to find out more! 

The treatment program combines proven therapies which aim to address the causes behind your peripheral neuropathy. In doing so, the Orange center helps you to improve your health over the long term as opposed to simply masking the main symptoms on a short-term basis. 

Dr. Marks’ treatments are provided as a natural alternative to the industry standard pharmaceutical approach. You may have experienced common side effects of most neuropathy medications, including a wide array of mental and physiological conditions. In response, Dr. Marks explains that his center’s drug-free, non-invasive neuropathy treatment therapies are both safe and effective. 

The center emphasizes that your peripheral neuropathy could be caused by a number of factors, ranging from diabetes and hereditary disorders to kidney failure, infections, diseases and more. As a result, the blood supply to your extremities has been impaired, and your nerves have suffered damage. As such, Dr Marks’ team strives to reverse this process.

You’ll benefit from the long-term relief of neuropathy symptoms such as burning sensations and numbness in your hands or feet. As these issues subside, you’ll regain the ability to walk comfortably with renewed balance. 

Primarily, the program has been developed to help you if you’ve experienced a lack of success with traditional treatment methods for peripheral neuropathy. Dr. Marks advises that his program offers you the hope of putting an end to your pain, ultimately giving you a higher quality of life. 

“I know you’ve had treatments that have failed in the past,” said Dr. Marks, “and that’s mostly because they don’t address the underlying issues that are causing your problem. I’m here with solutions that actually get to the root and fix it, bringing back a normal way of life." 

It’s time to beat your neuropathy and return to the life you deserve - if you’re in Orange County, click for more information about Dr. Barry Marks and his innovative treatment program. To support you from the outset, Dr. Marks offers you a free neuropathy evaluation designed to ascertain your suitability for the treatments!

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