Gain An Extra Month Each Year

Posted by Bakyasara Sara
Jun 1, 2016

EZ Battery Reconditioning Review I have 2 times during any given day when I hit an energy slump. This is usually around10:30/ 11:00 a.m. and again around 2:30 or 3:00pm. Since I work out of my home I began to think of ways to avoid this energy lull. My first course of action was to workout during these times. I would do my lifting routine in the am and then a cardio routine in the pm. The problem was the energy drops for me were about 1 hour to an hour and a half. My workouts were 45-50 minutes max and honestly I did not do lifting and/or cardio everyday.I began listening to marketing or self-improvement gurus during that same time and would drag out my session over the course of an hour and a half.

However, I realized that after about the first 5-10 minutes of any workout my energy level had improved dramatically! I was alert and stimulated in a very short time. My creativity and skyrocketed as lots of ideas would come pouring out as soon as I started the routine. I did not need to extend my workout.Part of this I think was the audio stimulating my brain. So I tried it without the audio. Guess what. I still had great ideas and my energy was racing. I still prefer to listen to the tapes, but I don't need them for the brain stimulation. This led me to believe that the exercise was doing it. I then developed a routine that lasted about 15 - 20 minutes. This was in an effort to take a 15-20 minute "brain break" and re-charge my body without taking an hour and a half out of my work day.

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