Free Mobi reader enables enhanced E-reader experience on a variety of devices

Posted by Jacob Willam
Jul 28, 2014

E-reader formats are of different kinds. One of them is the Mobi file format which is now a popular choice among readers. There are many books out there in this format and a program that helps readers get access to quality content through these books is the new Mobi reader . The Mobi reader app is designed to help users get special format files which are otherwise hard to read on any device.

E-readers are specific devices that provide the experience of reading on the go but, with the Mobi reader app installed, the user does not have to carry a special device, he can get the books he wants and get to read them either on his computer, laptop or tablet. While easy search and access is a great feature to have, the reader also allows for customization of the library. Using special tools, the user can organize, streamline the content he wants to read and get it at a faster rate by typing in key words.

In addition to these interactive features, the Mobi reader comes with a host of other options that can make the reading experience very engaging. While reading a book or going through any chapter, the user can add notes, images or any content which he can go back to in the future.

About the Mobi reader:

This new and innovative app which was launched less than a month back offers high level convenience of reading electronic content on any smart device. The program is especially for those who have special files in their library and need a specific reader to access the content. The Mobi reader is available for free download at

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