Find the Right Career in 5 Easy Steps

Posted by Brian H.
Mar 7, 2014

If you think that money is the only reason why people choose their careers, you are wrong. There are people seeking career fulfillment and money is just one of the many reasons why we choose to do what we do. Don’t take it the wrong way, money is important but at the end of the day, it is not the most important thing, at least for those who have plenty of it.  It is very crucial that you also love and enjoy what you are doing because if it’s otherwise, your body will eventually show signs of your dislike for your career. Your body shows what your mouth can’t speak. And although we have the right to change careers from time to time, we wouldn’t want to waste our energy and effort in doing this often. This is what makes finding the right career the first time very important. Here are the 5 simple steps to do that:

1. Evaluate your self – consider your interests, your skills, your hobbies and your passion. Think about what you’d do if you didn’t have to work, just to give you the best career options. If you dream of travelling the world, you can pursue a career as a pilot, a sea worker, or work in companies that offer travel incentives to their best employees.

2. Talk to your friends – ask for their opinions because they know who you are and they can tell if you are making the right decision or not. You’ll eventually follow your own instincts but a conversation with some of the people you love and trust the most can also help.

3. Research – ask around. Talk to people who are knowledgeable about your top 3 career choices and research on their respective job duties and responsibilities so you will have a clear picture of where you are headed. This move will bring you a step closer to choosing the right career for you.

4. Hire a Career Coach – a career coach can help you in your decisions although they will not make the decisions for you. They can share with you their experiences in life and give you advice on your chosen career. He can help you create strategies in order for you to achieve your goals.

5. Write down your goals – be it short or long term, write them down. After identifying your career choice, make a list of the different strategies you need to apply to achieve those goals one step at a time.

Choosing a career is very important because it can also change the course of your life. Doing something out of love makes you eager to perform better as days go by, and will make you successful in the long run; this makes finding the right career equally challenging and rewarding.

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