Facing Urinary Incontinence During Pregnancy? Read On

Posted by Alice Thomas
Jun 18, 2020

Urine incontinence is one of the common problems faced by pregnant women. Although, it’s a general problem, it is still worrisome and troublesome. So why does this happen? When you’re pregnant, your unborn baby puts pressure on your pelvic muscles, urethra, and bladder. This added pressure results in urine leakage or incontinence.

Just as you visit an ultrasound baby scan clinic for your regular ultrasound diagnoses, the same way you need to do few things to manage urine leakage during pregnancy.

If you’re facing urine leakage during pregnancy, take note of the following points.

Urinate often

Whenever you feel the urge to urinate, do it. Do not try to control your bladder for prolonged hours as it not only gives rise to urine leakage but it is also considered an unhealthy habit. Make a rule to urinate every hour so that there’s less chance of facing urinary incontinence.

Practice kegel exercises

Kegel or pelvic floor exercises have many benefits during pregnancy. These exercises prepare your pelvic floor muscles for childbirth and when your pelvic muscles become strong, you are less likely to suffer from an uncontrolled bladder.

Avoid caffeinated and carbonated beverages

Caffeinated and carbonated beverages make it harder to control your bladder. It’s best to avoid them completely.

Wear sanitary pads or panty liners

It’s highly recommended to wear absorbent pads or panty liners when you are dealing with urinary incontinence. This way you wouldn’t have to worry about soiling your panties.

Do not stop drinking fluids

You might become reluctant to avoid drinking fluids to avoid making frequent visits to the bathroom. Understand that you still need to consume healthy fluids because dehydration can lead to severe health problems, like dry skin, constipation, headaches, etc. 

Consider consulting an OB-GYN doctor to discuss your urinary incontinence. Take good care of yourself and get timely sonography from an ultrasound baby scanning services centre. For fetal health check scans, click on Watford Baby Scan Offers.

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