Enhanced Oral Cancer Screening Offers Early Cancer Detection in Newington

Posted by PRC Agency
Sep 3, 2019

If you aren't concerned about Oral Cancer, you definitely should be. This form of cancer is on the rise in the United States with approximately 53,000 people diagnosed with oral cancer each year in the U.S. alone. Because it is being discovered in its later stages, one American dies every hour from oral cancer.

Dr. Aaron Farrokh of East Cedar Dental in Newington is taking a stand against oral cancer by using the latest OralID™ Fluorescence Technology from Forward Science. 

Regular dental care and checkups are necessary in the fight against oral cancer. An average of one person dies from oral cancer every hour in the United States. The good news is that fluorescence technology that is available to your family dentist can help detect oral cancer in its early stages before it is visible to the naked eye. 

Our offices at East Cedar Dental are now providers for the ID For Life™ Program. This program allows for early detection of oral cancer. To bring about public awareness of oral cancer in the Newington area, Dr. Aaron Farrokh is giving new and current patients enhanced oral cancer screenings during their scheduled appointments. 

Dr. Farrokh uses an oral cancer screening device called the OralID to detect and discover oral cancers in their earliest stages. Currently, 71% of oral cancers are found in late stages (stage III, IV), resulting in a five-year survival rate of less than 50 percent. Finding these abnormalities in much earlier stages can increase the five-year survival rate up to 80 to 90 percent. 

At East Cedar, our qualified professionals are also active members of the Hartford Dental Association, Connecticut State Dental Society, American Dental Association, Newington Chamber of Commerce and Hartford Young Professionals and Entrepreneurs. 

If you are interested in receiving an enhanced oral cancer screening or would like to learn more about our advanced technology implemented at East Cedar Dental, please contact our office at (860) 667-0875 and ask about our OralID screenings. You may also visit our website at https://www.eastcedardental.com/

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