Electrolyte Bottles

Posted by Nancy Kallis
Feb 20, 2023

Giving some time for us to exercise can bring a whole lot of wonders to our body. Going to the gym or even just going for a run can greatly contribute to our health. There are plenty of benefits when we go for a run. It can increase our lung capacity, improve our overall mental health, build up our physical strength, or even help with weight loss. What some of us may not know is that it can also strengthen our bone density, which can have a significant impact on our body in the long run. So, make it a regular to go for a run when you can! But of course, running can tire us and that requires us to recover and replace the nutrients lost in the process. With that, it’s always good to rehydrate to give our bodies the time to cool down and recharge.


We produce 20 times more heat when we are running than when we are at rest. Sweating serves to cool down our bodies. The loss of fluids and electrolytes, such as salt and potassium, is a side effect of sweating. You must consume fluids when exercising to replenish the fluids you shed through perspiration. You can reduce your risk of getting heat exhaustion while preserving normal bodily processes and performance levels by doing this. The health and performance of runners depend on maintaining hydration. Our body temperature is regulated by water, and it also flushes out waste, aids in supplying energy to our bodies, and supports our joints. Hydration is important for maximizing performance, minimizing cramping and damage, and improving recovery.


After a run, it’s vital to replenish your body with the fluids it lost. If not, you risk a spike in body temp and heart rate. Your body can't adequately regulate heat when the overall level of water in it falls below the normal range (hypohydration). This occurs because the heart must put more effort to pump blood to all parts of the body that require essential nutrients and oxygen when we are fatigued after a run and are not well hydrated. This may even lead to dehydration and cause symptoms such as dizziness, fatigue, thirst, dry mouth, or even leg cramps.


Dehydration reduces blood volume, thus. This implies that your organs and muscles receive less blood, which causes cramps and spasms. There are several things you can do to recover from these cramps after a run. But the simple and basic solution is to simply boost your system with the best electrolyte drink for leg cramps. Many people are unaware that electrolytes also assist in controlling the movement of water into and out of cells, supporting rehydration and muscle regeneration. The body needs carbohydrates like glucose to absorb electrolytes and water during rehydration, but too much sugar might hinder rehydration and prolong recovery. It’s an easy solution for something we normally think might need medication or a check-up.


You might be looking up for the best electrolyte drink for runners by now. So, once you look up, it’s important to know the key ingredients that make these drinks powerful! Make sure these have sodium chloride, potassium citrate, citric acid monohydrate, and glucose. Because your muscles use electrolytes to transfer electrical charges, which is how your muscles contract, these substances are crucial. Chemical reactions are also aided by the same electrical charges, particularly when it comes to hydrating and the balancing of fluids within and outside of cells. Before you go for a run, stock up on these power-packed electrolyte bottles! 

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