Effective Communication
Everyone wants to do good and effective communication. A good communication did your half work. before we said any think about communication you have to understand what is communication. Every person needs to be well equipped with the tools to communicate effectively. Every one wants communicate effectually like personal or a professional front. If you.communicate some peoples end they listen properly then there is no space for misunderstanding. If you know how can you communicate with peoples and they are listen well then your message will delivered properly and they are understand what you want to said. The primary reason of misunderstanding is inability to speak well or listen effectively.
Effective communications skills in various is like:- finger spelling, face expressions, sign language, lip reading for interpersonal skills use, interpersonal relations all these things comes under communication skills. Effective communication skills is the ability to communicate with you colleagues, clients, subordinates, public, professional manner etc.
In Effective communication you have to understand some basic skills:- like :- you needs to understand that communication in one of those words that is most hyped in contemporary culture. in there we includes a large number of experience, actions and events. we includes experience because if a person is un experience then you see some persons communication disability and a experience holder person talk and communicate like a gentlemen. you have to improve your communication skills in seminar meetings, work shopes, public speech etc. there are also some communication media like:- radio, TV, newspaper, internet, etc. a technology communication includes phones etc. and the professional communication includes advertiser, journalists, camera, crew etc. a effective communication did you work easily and it's helps you.
Now the thing is which types of Effective communication.
Effective communication types:-Effective communication is generally classified into a couple of types like verbal and non-verb technological and non- technological, participatory and non- participatory, and also mediated and non mediated. The commonly known types of communication is interpersonal communication skills. In this type of communication you communicate with person face to face and this communication occurs between two and more persons. In this communication skill you communicate with persons is personal, direct, intimate,through words and also gestures. Interpersonal communication focussed on two persons communications. This or all communication deppends on spoaker and listner if a listner dose'nt listnen properly and also a speeker who speak properly and effectively. This usually occurs at stations and bus stops, the street, at restaurant and public places etc. Non verbal communications skills includes lile facial expressions, body languages, sign languages and also eye contact. Which also a part of communication process and also a written and types mode is a part of this. Today's generation needs Communication skills. Every where you see everybody communicate there self with other peoples, Like mass communication this is a generally identified with tools of modern mass media, which includes: books, press , cinema , news paper etc. Examples of mass communication. In this communication trying to conveying message to an all populations. Communication is continuing every time and every where.
Communication barriers and importance:-1:- Importance:- communication is important for every human for daily routine. Communication is takes your work half and it helps over every day. Every person day to day communicate any time any where. Recognisetion is one of the key fector of effective communication. The fact is, if you are a listner can identify with what you are saying and with the way you are saying it. They are not likely to recive and understand your messege.
Communication have a power to solve any problems. An old communication problems are not so much effective because you did this an old time thats y you communicate again and solve any problems. Communication have a power to do motivate a persons. If persons are demotivate and they think thay are not capayble for any work than motivation is the key for realise them that they are capable for do any work. Communication is does not depend on syntax, rhetoric or articulation, but on the emotional context in which the massesge is heard. An good and powerfull communication you have to listen every body, do not show attitute, choose a simple and understanding words. The worst think of communication is argument.
Barriers of communication:-In communication many types of barriers that you have to understand properly. No metter how good you in communication if every body dose'nt listen you than your communication is unsuccesfull. Everybody think that they are communicate but they dose'nt know that how can communicate effectively. If you want to communicate properly then you have to work on your communication skills.many problems in a effective communication like- listning, speaking, eye contect with the speaker, ignoring the speaker, inturrupting the speaker, try to make speaker feel as though he/she westing the listner time, asking too many quistions, attitute problem, etc.
Verbal and non- verbal communication:-A. Verbalcommunication:-In this communication you communicate your thoughts. In this communication some body thinks that they are communicate properly and every body communicate but they dose'nt know how can they communicate effectively. Some people have a good communication effecat on audience. Now the think is how can they do? They do because they are practice on there communication skills and developped it. Some people think that this skill shows not want training but they are wrong.
Now we gonna show you some tips:-1:- listen properly:-in communication you have to listen properly of a speaker and you have to try understand properly.
2:- awareness:- if the communication is in process then everybody have to aware that time. Awareness is important for effective communication.
3:- clearity in thoughts:-if you want to do a effective and good verbal communication than you have to do clearity in your thoughts and focus on your subject. 4:- conflict resolution:-One should be able to come to win- win solution in order to solve all problems that may occur from time to time.
B. Non verble communication:-In Non verble communication skills includes some apects:-Facial expression, eye contact, voice culture, gestures, pattern of touch, body language, expressive movement they all are includes in non verble communication. In body language on should be aware, in beyond the words this speaks. If you want to communicate with peoples in non verble than you have to improve your body language, eye contect, facial expression etc. They are effect initially and properly. In this communication skill you have to prepare and improve this because without rehearsals you can't communicate
How can you speaks in public:-Now the think is how can you speak in public. There are some problems like language problem. If you have a language problem like english than you have to solve it. If you want to learn english than watch English movies, listen english songs, learn english grammar again and again, and speaks english vocabulary and practice again and again. After doing this you speak properly and there are also.
some points that you have to understand properly:-
1- control stage fright
2- select the object well
3- organize the material
4- gather all ideas and the information
5- plan the beginning of the speech
6- plan the conclusion of speech
7- plan the body of the speech
8- practice the speech If you all tips and you want to speak more smooth in events than check the arrangements or be comfortable, be confident , in venue how to use microphone you have to understand it and before the function prepare for questions answer and distraction.