Ecstatic Dance What Is It And Is It Beneficial To The Health Of People

Posted by Anna Rose
Oct 30, 2020

Karen Bond has been working with the Boyer College of Music and Dance. She has explored Dance in numerous countries. She was in Australia for 24 years and did her Ph.D. in dance education. She was the Senior Lecturer working with the University of Melbourne before joining the Boyer College of Music and Dance. She experienced ecstatic Dance for the first time in the 1980s at a farm in Wales. She remembers the chanting, drumming, and dancing under a starlit sky until daybreak. While the people who danced around her were strangers, she sensed a deep connection with them. She stated that the feeling is hard to put in words. It was like a feeling of harmony.

Ecstatic Dance What Is It And Is It Beneficial To The Health Of People

Forty years have passed, and that sort of natural, ecstatic movement to music is connecting people in formalized classes and programs across the U.S.A. having many names, including ecstatic Dance, conscious Dance, etc. This practice is best described regarding what it isn’t.

To that end, this dance isn't hip-hop, ballet, or Zumba or rave or a sober dance bash. However, people who do the ecstatic dance have various feelings about it. Some feel the dance as spiritual, some as emotional, and some as physical.

Many say that this dance is their chance to be themselves, which is their inner being. Many recall several great moments while they did this dance they would not have experienced in their everyday lives.

The formalized classes and programs mentioned above have a structure of stages that all participants go through. Every stage has a different intention. The several Ecstatic Dance Teacher Training programs offer movement meditation. This meditation draws the attention of the participants to how that energy passes through their bodies. This description is that of a certified Ecstatic Dance Teacher in the U.S.A.

Ecstatic Dance Is An Ancient Exercise In A Contemporary Time

Dancing, just as singing, has most likely been present since the onset of humanity. Karen Bond believes that they were most likely the most basic art expressions. Many experts say cultures across the world have been using dance for rites of passage, rituals, connection, celebration, and more.

Ecstatic Dance Teacher Programs Are Prevalent Worldwide

Planned and natural dance practices characterize the present times. In some ways, they are joining the bandwagon of different awareness exercises like tai chi and meditation. Ecstatic Dance Teacher Training programs happen at several dance locations in The U.S.A. and other countries.

General Health Benefits Of Ecstatic Dance

Not much research has been done on ecstatic dance. A possible explanation is that this dance does not have one name. However, it is indisputable that moving the body such that the feeling is good benefits physical health. And experts state that this is just what this form of dance has to do with.

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