Double Chin Removal - nonsurgical and surgical procedures

Posted by Maryam Shaikh
Jan 17, 2024

Little children look cute with dimpled chins and chubby cheeks. But in adults, it is referred to as a "double chin" and should be taken seriously. Seeing a sleek profile in our mirrors is something we all enjoy. But looking in the mirror and finding a double-chinned figure looking back at you will give you a depressing and hopeless view of yourself. Numerous factors can result in a double chin, and there are numerous methods for minimising it. Read along to learn more about a double chin, its causes, and the various ways by which you can get rid of it.

What Is Double Chin?
Clinically referred to as "submental fat,"  a double chin is the buildup of fat beneath your lower jaw. Obesity is frequently linked to a double chin. A double chin's appearance is influenced by several factors, including anatomy, airway location, loose and sagging skin from ageing, and hereditary causes.

A double chin gives folks a bad impression. You begin to lack confidence and are frequently made fun of by your peers.

In a world where everything from superstars to Instagram influencers screams perfection, getting rid of a double chin is essential. Although laborious and time-consuming, diet and exercise are great ways to remove that extra chin. There are quicker and more efficient solutions to get rid of your double chin with cosmetic surgery. Treatment options for double chins include both nonsurgical and surgical procedures.

Losing Chin Fat

You can eliminate your body's chin fat with various cosmetic procedures. The non-surgical method involves injecting a specific medicine that destroys fat cells, and the surgical method involves liposuction.

Surgical Chin Fat Reduction

Frequently called a "chin tuck," this process entails liposuction. This treatment is done under general anaesthesia, and you will recover in two to three weeks. Your plastic surgeon will talk to you about any past operations, medication allergies, and other health concerns before the procedure. It will be suggested that you undergo routine testing. These consist of ECG, X-rays, blood, and urine testing. Given that a double chin may be an indication of thyroid, Cushing's, or kidney issues, additional testing to rule them out will be recommended. On the day of the procedure, general anaesthesia will be administered to you in order to minimise pain. A fat-dissolving laser is used to dissolve the fat located below your chin. To expedite the melting process, a small incision will be made beneath your chin. The cannula is introduced through the incision. The fat that has melted through suction is sucked through the cannula. To ensure that all of the fat is removed, the cannula will be moved about.  A chin-tuck yields pleasing and long-lasting results. Some patients might not be happy with the results and complain of facial asymmetry; these side effects are extremely uncommon.

Non-Surgical Chin Fat Reduction

  • Kybella-For those who wish to be free of their double chin but are not ready to have surgery, this non-invasive, non-surgical method is appealing. The FDA-approved injectable Kybella is used in this surgery. Deoxycholic acid is synthesised to produce Kybella. Human bile contains deoxycholic acid, which primarily acts by destroying fat cells. This is also how the injectable Kybella works. It kills fat cells below the chin and prevents them from storing or forming more fat cells when injected. The synthetic deoxycholic acid not only causes fat cells to break down, but it also sets off a series of inflammatory reactions that ultimately result in the body eliminating all of the damaged cells. Your face will be puffy after the operation. It will take roughly two weeks for the swelling to go down.
    Kybella is a technique that dissolves the fat below your skin, and in doing so, gives a chiselled appearance to your face. 

  • Coolsculpting- Coolsculpting, often referred to as lipocryolysis, is a technique for freezing fat cells until they die. An ice pad will be placed under your chin during this process. An applicator device will then be activated. At first, you could experience various feelings including pulling and cramping. As the process goes on, you will experience total numbness. The applicator and the ice pad's chilly temperature work together to eliminate the fat in the targeted area. It will take more than one session to properly attain the desired outcomes. The best candidates for this surgery are young individuals with healthy, non-sagging skin. Age-related drooping of loose skin makes it unsuitable for this operation.

  • Ultherapy
    Ultherapy, also known as ultratherapy, is a non-invasive procedure that uses ultrasound energy to lift and tighten sagging skin. It works by stimulating the production of collagen, a protein that is responsible for maintaining the elasticity and suppleness of the skin. This collagen helps to gradually tone and shape your jaw and neckline. Ultherapy can be performed without anaesthesia by a qualified cosmetic surgeon.

  • Radiofrequency (RF) Treatments
    Radiofrequency treatments make use of heat energy to heat up the fat cells in your double chin. This heating dislodges the fat cells and also stimulates the production of collagen. The fat cells are eliminated by the body’s natural drainage system and the collagen helps to tone up and tighten the muscles of your jaw and neckline, thus eliminating your double chin.

  • Healthy Eating
    Excess body weight is one of the primary reasons for a double chin. Adopting a healthy lifestyle and maintaining a height-appropriate weight can help reduce the appearance of a double chin. Eat a balanced diet that contains lots of fresh vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, and whole grains. Avoid processed, sugary food that is high in calories and low in nutrition. 

  • Regular Exercise
    Regular physical activity helps reduce obesity and aids in weight management. Exercising regularly helps to keep you fit and tones all the muscles of your body including your neck and jawline. Cardio exercises like cycling, jogging, and swimming along with strength training exercises aimed at the neck and jaw would prove beneficial. There are also several yoga poses that you can practise under the guidance of a learned trainer.

Having a double chin can be embarrassing and can impact someone's mental well-being. However, a double chin can also be eliminated. There are numerous ways to treat double chins, ranging from exercise and a balanced diet to surgical and non-surgical methods. Talk to your plastic surgeon, who will advise you on the approach that is most appropriate for you.

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