Domain Law Services That Can Ensure Domain Safety

Posted by Jimmy Mathur
Feb 13, 2020

Keeping your domain free of hacking is important to ensure that it is safe and secure.  Domain protection programs are offered by certain Domain service providers.  The domain protection program entails a whole range of legal support that involves mediation, disputes or infringements between the aggrieved parties.  Alternatively, you have law firms like that have a specialist domain dispute lawyer who has the experience and knowledge to deal with domain-related cases.

Domain Dispute Lawyer

Nature of domain disputes

Domain disputes can happen owing to a number of reasons. The most common among them are

       Cybersquatting which refers to  trafficking in or using the domain name with a trademark that is belonging to someone else with a bad intent without the knowledge of the domain registrant

       The domain actually involves four contracts. It refers to contracts between registrar/ owner, technical service provider, admin and billing. Since the number of contracts is more as breach in contract by any one of the parties could actually put the registrar of a domain name in a tough situation. You have got to use professional domain law services to ensure quick and proper settlement of the issue at the earliest.

       Domain name litigation- this is another common type of dispute you might come across. It might be due to another domain name that rhymes with your domain name or a domain name that sounds the same with the spelling changed so on and so forth. All these have to be fought out legally to ensure that your domain name is not stolen or misused.

Choose domain dispute lawyers to sort out your domain cases as they are experts in dealing with these types of cases.

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