Does the white master batch have good dispersion as other types of plastic material?

Posted by Tran Hoa
Jul 28, 2019

White master batch is considered a bright color and has a high color intensity. Like other color seeds, this material also has good dispersion as well as high concentration, which helps the color on the product maintain for a long time; Reasonable price and good resistance to mobility between internal components. The following are specific analysis and considerations before using a white master batch!

white master batch

What methods do producers usually apply to make white master batch?

EuP's white master batch is made from base resin (PE, PP, ...), titanium oxide with different proportions to create different versions, some additives such as antioxidants, anti-sticking agents, ... Products made from this material will help to reduce crystallization as well as cut down the viscosity of polyester, increase fluidity, improve dispersion performance; it is also easy to use with low cost and improve production efficiency. (if more polyester materials are used during production process).

In addition, white master batch also has basic characteristics such as good heat resistance, high color quality, good mechanical and physical properties, etc. Therefore, the product is made from this material has at a very low cost but still meet the standard that required.

white master batch application

How should we use white master batch to obtain good dispersion?

In order to have good dispersion  white master batch, first, it is necessary to control the mixing ratio (the materials should not be less than 3% - 10% but the ability to create clarity and antioxidant is only 0.1% - 1%) so that when mixed into the extruder, the dispersion feature will be increased.

White master batch is an good choice for plastic product manufacturers, in order to reduce the cost of producing plastics, many people have chosen high concentration lines. Also, if we prevent light affecting the color pigment, thermal stability needs to be strictly preserved before making plastics.

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