Do You Know Why Need CodeIgniter To Develop Google-Friendly Websites?

Posted by Moon Technolabs
Jan 24, 2020
In reality, CodeIgniter is an open-source web application framework that facilitates rapid web development. Developers primarily use this framework to create dynamic websites with the support of PHP. 

It is an extremely powerful platform that possesses an inbuilt code management system that helps to provide cost-effective PHP solutions apart from helping in code production. It makes things easy regarding browsing and writing. As a result, it saves a significant amount of time as well as expenses.

Do You Know Why Need CodeIgniter To Develop Google-Friendly Websites?

PHP is an ideal programming language that provides different frameworks. These frameworks allow developers to create some of the most innovative websites and applications. 

The design and features of all the frameworks of PHP provide unique features including ease of use, swift development, feature-rich applications, e-commerce-friendly environment, and so on.

Most of these frameworks are open-source platforms. You can develop websites using those frameworks without paying for it. However, experts say that CodeIgniter is the best among all of them. 

This particular framework also has all the components that facilitate fast, hassle-free and cost-effective web development. Here you will learn why this programming language led to the formation of a CodeIgniter development company that solely uses CodeIgniter to create Google-friendly websites.

1. Handling Bugs and Errors:

If you wish to develop flawless websites that deliver exceptional functionality, then you must try CodeIgniter. It provides a simple user interface that helps in finding bugs and errors that prevent the smooth functioning of websites. 

Eventually, these bugs affect the user’s experience. With the use of CodeIgniter, you will see how it displays the errors in codes without any issues.

2. Easy Customizability:

Developers can always customize a website as per the requirements. In doing so, they ensure that they don’t squander their valuable time. That is why experts prefer CodeIgniter. It is the only framework that eases customizability. 

If you compare it to all the options that are available in the market these days, then you will realize it.

3. Matters Concerning Security:

Are you seeking the most secure platform for web development? Then you must contact a provider of Codeigniter development services. Of course, you can also use it to develop websites without professional support. 

CodeIgniter has enough security features that depict the overall dependability of this particular platform. It comes with multiple encryptions and decryption features that made it one of the best and highly reliable platforms.

4. User-Friendly Interface:

You can develop an excellent, user-friendly, and also Google-friendly website using the finest interface offered by CodeIgniter. With CodeIgniter, you can develop a dynamic functionality or create the best responsive website experience for users. 

You can play safe if you choose a development company that specializes in the use of CodeIgniter.

5. Easy Migration:

When you consider database updates and migration, CodeIgniter is the programming language that you can depend on. It lets users migrate from one server to the next. 

A CodeIgniter development company relies on CodeIgniter only as it provides adequate migration support services. It doesn’t matter where you keep old data. If you use CodeIgniter, then you shift the information to the new platform within moments.

6. MVC-based System:

The most important reason behind the immense popularity of CodeIgniter is that it depends on the Model View Controller or MVC system. It enhances the overall reliability of the platform. 

MVC facilitates a Test-Driven Development procedure. It means that you can precisely develop and examine the modules as per your client’s requirements.

7. Superfast Development:

Business organizations outsource their tasks to the providers of Codeigniter development services because it offers quick development features. As a developer, you can’t expect it from any other framework. 

Therefore, it becomes necessary crucial to rely on this unique framework, especially if your clients expect quick development services without hitches.

8. Excellent SEO:

How can a website attract a throng of visitors? Unless a site is SEO-compliant, it won’t appear in the first few pages of search engines such as Google. In that respect, the use of CodeIgniter is important to business website development. 

After all, the platform can uplift the rank of a website. Digital marketing experts also sing praises of the CodeIgniter platform for development when the impetus is on enhancing website traffic.

9. Support From The Community:

Indeed, CodeIgniter comes with community support. If you ever face any problem that you can’t fix, then you can get hassle-free solutions from CodeIgniter forums. 

These forums are open to all and thousands of skilled professionals from all over the world enrich users with their knowledge. 

So, whenever you find yourself between a rock and a hard place, you can rely on these discussion forums to receive information on advanced development services.

10. Test-Driven Development:

No other platform possesses the feature of test-driven development except CodeIgniter. It ensures that a developer can utilize the step-by-step approach while creating a website. 

You can also analyze the functionality and performance of the website with ease.

To Conclude

With all the perks mentioned above, you shouldn’t have any doubts regarding CodeIgniter’s uniqueness, proficiency, and popularity. It helps developers accomplish their goals in a better way. 

By improving the functionality of websites, CodeIgniter bestows better quality and performance compared to other frameworks.

Now, the task of selecting the best developer for CodeIgniter is an important step. Experts say that you should rely on a web development company that specializes particularly in CodeIgniter. 

Only if you hire the right service provider, you can be sure about availing the advantages given in this topic.
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