DevOps Next-Level Steps

Posted by Ayaz Ahmad
Nov 15, 2022
Analysts predict devops will grow rapidly over time. However, the tool hasn't caught on with mainstream businesses. Devop's slow adoption isn't due to its inadequacies; rather, organisations don't understand its immediate value.

The tool has evolved from a way to harmonise devOps and operations teams to a strategy that can transform an organization's various disciplines into a single operational entity. Devops reduces operational costs by enhancing company-wide collaboration, integration, and communication.


This IT practise unites development, operations, and testing teams into a cross-functional team that can handle the entire software solution lifecycle. Devops development creates a stable but dynamic operating environment that brings code to market faster and reduces human errors. This improves resource management by enhancing version control and cost optimization.

Devops can be used to develop a software solution quickly, market it quickly, and meet a need at the right time.

Here are some steps to advance your devops strategy.

1. Go horizontal

This means adopting a horizontal software organisation and flat hierarchy. Everyone involved in product development has end-to-end responsibility. This allows everyone to see their product in full. This is the devops principle, and it eventually yields benefits. Developers tend to become siloed in vertical organisations, missing the big picture. Someone does their role and hopes the next will, too.

2. Adopt microservices and containerization

These technological advances have increased teamwork by allowing more processes to use the same infrastructure.

3. Publish matrices to encourage competition

Transparency is crucial when teams collaborate. This involves developing criteria for comparing team performance. Use automated matrices to compare software development, operational efficiency, release agility, and service quality. This transparency ensures that no team wants to be the weak link and will work overtime to deliver at or above par.

4. Automate

Automation is essential for scale and speed. DevOps is about speed. Automation frees your teams from manual, repetitive, error-prone tasks. These kind of tasks are often detrimental to devOps developers as they do not appeal to their creative minds thus grinding down their morale.

5. Immediate Feedback

Immediate feedback increases efficiency in any business, including devOps. Therefore, with your employees, ensure that you offer them immediate feedback during the various stages of the product development. This will ensure they fix anything immediately.

Top-down commitment

Often, a product stalls due to a lack of commitment or understanding. Thus, when using devops, it is imperative that everyone is in on it so that it can realise its desired results. Management should provide the resources teams need to develop and promote the product.

DevOps is a strategy, not a tool. People, process, and technology are involved. This holistic approach to creating software will become the norm because it's efficient.

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