Deciding home loans tenure for profitability

Posted by Finway FSC
Mar 26, 2019

Finally, you have decided to take a home loan in Delhi to buy your dream house! Nothing matches the happiness to sleep peacefully in one’s own home, and that’s why people always prefer owning a home where they can live for the entire lifetime without any worry in the world. Buying a home is not an easy job as it asks for one’s lifetime savings and hard-earned money. Many people keep on postponing purchase of their house because of their scanty wages. But, various kinds of home loan in Delhi offered by banks and NBFCs have made it a bit easier for people to stop dreaming about their home and finally buy one.

A lot of attractive home loans are available nowadays which people can consider. However, with lots of attractive home loans come lots of doubts, questions, and hesitancy. Amongst many, what should be the tenure of their home loan in Delhi is one of the common dilemmas people face. Will 15-year home loan in Delhi be a good option or 20-year one? The rule of selecting home loan in Delhi is quite simple—longer is the loan tenure, higher is repayable loan amount. In this case, people tend to choose home loans that have a shorter tenure, which is convenient undoubtedly.

But, it’s always a wiser choice to calculate one’s eligibility for a home loan in Delhi keeping maximum loan tenure in consideration to make your dream of buying a home come true. One’s eligibility of buying a home depends on one’s monthly income, amount of loan amount he needs, his age, and employment type. The loan eligibility is calculated as the percentage of his monthly income.  

Many a time, loan eligibility becomes a constraint for people and availing home loan in Delhi for short term is the wisest choice to make. On the other hand, if you are eligible for both short and long-term house construction loan, you can go for loans with longer tenure, though their interest is quite high. The maximum limit that banks and NBFCs offer on loans is 30 years. In a 20-year loan, the interest may go as high rate as 128%.

The experts suggest people keep their loan tenure as short as possible in order to keep the interest on borrowed amount minimum. Moreover, people become very anxious and overburdened with their expenses that they just want to repay their home loan as quickly as possible and therefore tend to choose loans that have shorter tenure because it’s easy to repay the loan with low interest than higher. After all, hard-earned money should be taken care of well.
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