CryptoHands - it's a first open MLM with 0% comission based on Ethereum smart-contract.

Posted by Oleg Kot
Jul 25, 2019
Image Link to the project
CryptoHands - it's a first open MLM with 0% comission based on Ethereum smart-contract. The project is transparent and all transactions between participants are visible on the blockchain. Many go into HYIPs by investing thousands there, many go to stupid pyramids that throw people, many buy stocks that grow for many years and not a fact, but the most intelligent and thoughtful people investing 0.05 eth ($ 10) and get a lot of money! This is not a divorce! This is a valid scheme that can not become a scam!
It is not an investment - No need to wait It is not a trading - No risk This is not a sale of "magical" goods It is not an ICO - Scam is impossible This is the verified and open source smart contract, where everyone can take as much as he wants, whether it is a new iPhone or a new apartment. No need to give this money back later. Smart The CRYPTOHANDS smart contract is uploaded into the Ethereum cryptocurrency network and even theoretically cannot be changed or deleted by anyone, including its creators. Therefore nobody and nothing can't stop the work of the System even in case of site closure or administartion disappear. CRYPTOHANDS system does not belong to anyone and works independently of the site. How it works You will need the Ethereum Wallet and 0.05 ETH. (0.05 ETH = $ 10.94) Step 1 To register and simultaneously receive 1 level in the System, send 0.05 ETH to your upline. And the first user came after you will send thi funds back to you. This is 1 time action for all time. All other transfers are made at the expense of already earned funds. Step 2 SIGN IN TO THE ACCOUNT, using only the Ethereum wallet number (without password). The password is not needed, since your account is in a smart contract, and not on the site. Therefore, your account cannot be blocked or deleted from the System even by the site administration. And your Ethereum wallet can not be hacked or changed to another. Step 3 There are three ways to get referrals: 1) Attract referrals to your structure in CRYPTOHANDS. 2) Get referrals from four uplines with the help of "overflows" (as programmed in the smart contract). 3) Wait until the system itself will bring you free referrals. Step 4 Receive automatical trasactions form smart contract directly on your Ethereum wallet.According to the tabelt below, on the 1 level you are transferred 0.15 ETH, on the 2 level - 1.35 ETH, and on the 3 level - 12.15 ETH. (there are 8 levels in total and 10000ETH of earnings). No need to accept transactions or request payments. The funds directly come to your wallet. Receipt of ETH in my wallet and purchase of the 2nd level.
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