Common Pitfalls Every Parent Must Avoid When Caring for a Newborn

Posted by Go Lacta
Sep 18, 2023

First-time parents, even with the best of intentions, can often fail to provide the best care to their newborn. Lack of knowledge and guidance are the most common factors that lead parents to assume some pitfalls as normal baby care and practice them often. Let us take a look at some common pitfalls that should be avoided by all parents to ensure their newborn grows up without any health or mental problems.  

Prevent Kissing and Excessive Touching  

A newborn baby has one of the weakest immune systems, leaving it prone to various diseases and infections. You might have to deal with a plethora of guests as every friend and family member would visit to see the newborn baby. Although kissing and pulling cheeks are common gestures to show love, you should ask visitors to wash their hands before interacting with your baby and avoid kissing the newborn.   

Ignoring the Cries of a Newborn  

Assuming it is natural for your newborn to cry is a dangerous pitfall you should steer clear of. Since the newborn can’t learn to talk or use any symbols to express, it solely relies on crying to express that it needs something, be it food, parent’s attention, or a nappy change. Whatever the reason is, you should make it a habit to immediately address your newborn rather than ignoring the cries. After all, your newborn can get stressed if ignored and have problems in brain development.  

Relying on Cow Milk and Other Alternatives  

Breastmilk is naturally produced in the mother’s body after giving birth to a child. It has all the necessary ingredients required for the healthy growth of a newborn. Doctors also recommend moms breastfeed their babies for the first 6 months without giving any other food or liquid item to the baby. However, some mothers face problems in producing adequate amounts of milk for their babies and think of switching to formula milk to keep the baby healthy. This might not be a good idea as a newborn’s digestive system is not fully developed to easily digest cow milk. The best solution would be to purchase lactation milk supplements that boost the production of breast milk.   

Are Lactation Supplements Harmful?  

You should be cautious while purchasing lactation supplements because unreliable suppliers sell inferior-quality products that can have dangerous side effects. When you rely on reputed suppliers like Go-Lacta, you can rest assured about the quality of the breastfeeding supplement. Go lacta breastfeeding products come in the form of tea, powder, and capsules that are easy to consume for the mothers. The supplements also have additional benefits for the mothers as they’re filled with energy-boosting nutrients to help mothers fight exhaustion while caring for their newborns.   

Go-Lacta is the best choice for mothers as all their quality products are made from organic moringa leaves known for their multiple health benefits including cell growth, healing, digestion, energy, and metabolism. You don’t have to hesitate in making the purchase if you’re vegan as their products are pure vegan and have no additives or artificial colors.   

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