Challenges with Toddler Behavior and Solutions

Posted by jagadeesh kumar
Nov 20, 2017
Toddlers in the age group of 2 -3 years are on the verge of self exploration and realization of their individuality. Well, this is the age when they try to act independently and communicate what they want and what they don’t. As they are in the process of developing language skills, it helps them communicate their wants and needs as well. Even though self control is still what they are not able to manage as they cannot understand logic. This is the time when the toddler needs parental guidance in channelizing his or her energies in the right direction and controlling emotions.

Managing Strong Feelings
You might not be aware but emotions of children particularly toddlers are complicated. Again a lot the experience is new to them as they have just begun understand happiness, sadness, anger, pride and other feelings. With older toddlers its again different because their feelings keeping changing instantly. Hence, your guidance would help them out. Here are a few signals that can help you understand if your child is struggling with his or her emotions and whether he is learning to manage his or her feelings.

Not able to Manage Feelings
1. The child says no to stuff she wants like if you offer to give favorite candies the child denies.
2. When he/she can figure out to put the puzzles together he/she seems frustrated.
3. When he / she gets angry he/she hits herself/himself
4. Sticks to one particular choice (If favorite pink jacket is in laundry would not settle for any other substitute)
5.  Gets frustrated if you go against her way

Able to manage feelings
1. If he/she wants helps asks for it
2. Reassures him/her if frightened or sad.
3. Uses words like ‘I am happy’ or I am sad to convey the mood.
4. Re visits a stressful event like doctors visit

When the  child is not able to manage feelings, he need to learn to do it and  with better language skills they are able to do so as they grow but you guidance and help them to a great extent. Here are few tips on how you can contribute to your child’s self control regime.

Talking it out
Talking about feelings can help a lot in the matter. You may as well involve some story telling in the same. For example look at the cat, she seems unhappy because the dog took away her food. Furthermore, sharing your own feelings can work as well. For example, Can you help me clean up the mess, I spilt some milk and I am frustrated about it. Thank-you, for your help. It feels nice.
Once your child learn to express feelings, he/she can be taught to deal with them. For example if your child is upset because his friends left early, you can ask him/her to draw something for his/her friends.

Offer Solutions
Managing different feelings is not what kids can do all by their self. You can make them name what they are feeling and offer a solution to it. For example if you child gets angry when you switch off the television or take away the tablet from him/her, tell ‘you are angry it seems because I took away your tablet’ What you can do is either jump up and down or you can go and sleep with your cushion or teddy bear there. You will feel better. This way the child will learn how to deal with anger in an appropriate manner. The most important part is to teach your child to manage strong feeling in non violent and healthy way. 

Vydehi School is founded upon the conviction that young minds are extremely curious about everything that surround them. They are at a stage of constant development. They are always keen to learn, create and develop. With strong support to their ideas, their unique potentials can be molded effectively.

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