Can You still get a Low Doc Home Loan?

Posted by Rae E.
Apr 28, 2024

Yes. Self-Employed Australians can still get a home loan if they do not have up to date lodged Financials. It is actually quite hard for the average Self Employed Australian to get a mortgage from a bank in comparison to a PAYG worker who generally only requires 2 payslips to confirm income. Australian banks will put every obstacle and hurdle in the way to make it as hard as possible for self-employed Australians to get a commercial loan, and especially a home loan or a mortgage.

If an Australian self-employed business person walks into a bank, especially one of the big four, the bank manager will simply say, you are a self-employed businessman, and while you appear to be making good money, have a fantastic income, and have showed years of excellent bank savings all the while beingself-employed or this cannot get a low Doc long self-employed, you just don’t tick all the boxes as you do not have up to date financials.

The average self-employed Australian would just put trying to get a home loan via a standard lender in the too hard basket - and they do. Others are so desperate to secure a house loan that we see them wind up their successful business, to go out and seek employment and work twice as many hours for half the money that they once did in their successful small business - all this just to please the bank so they can too, take part in the Australian dream of owning their own house.

Good news though, the team at are experts when it comes to help guiding entrepreneurial Aussies who have a successful Australian business into getting their home loan or commercial property loan.

Low Doc Loans (Low documentation loans) are designed for these self-employed people who do not have up to date financial statements and tax returns which are required for a prime home loan. Generally the same features and facilities are available on prime loan are also available on a Low Doc Loan as the name indicates the difference is in the documentation. If you are self-employed or have a small business and can’t provide lodged returns then it is the way to apply for a home loan.

Although financial statements and tax returns are not required for these loans, lenders will require some form of proof that you can service these loans. For these low doc loans, you may need to provide the lender with a statement confirming your income generally certified by your accountant or Business Bank Statements or BAS Statements or a combination of above

If you are a self-employed Australian who is looking to get a low doc home loan, we have good news for you, it certainly can be achieved.

 Talk to an Expert:

We specialise in Low Doc Loans for both Residential and Commercial Properties in clean credit or credit impaired and deal with many lenders that most mortgage brokers do not have on their books. Please complete our Enquiry Form or Phone Direct where you can discuss your situation with an expert as it is important to deal with a broker that has several options and is experienced in this category of lending.


If you wish to proceed, then we will help you to complete all the necessary paperwork and liaise with the lender on your behalf. This will include the completion and submission of your home loan application and the on-going communication between all parties until your home purchase is settled. So if you are self-employed and hunting for a home loan or commercial loan then visit us at

By working with reputable and trustworthy providers such as and carefully considering the risks and benefits of low doc lending, Australians can unlock a world of financial opportunities beyond the confines of traditional banks.

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