Best SEO Tips To Follow In 2023

Posted by Mohit J.
Apr 3, 2023

Heading into 2023 SEO needs to be all about showing author expertise, high-value content and making sure content is audience targeted. While these have always been things to think about in SEO Wall, Google and other search engines are focusing on these things when determining whether a website meets the needs and standards it has set. There are a lot of things to consider but here are just some of them.

EAT is now EEAT

The acronym EAT stands for expertise, authority and trust but Google is adding another E, experience. The content will have a higher value if it is written by somebody with experience or knowledge of that topic. Someone who is a finance expert will have higher value content for financial blogs, but less value on content that is on say cooking.

Content should be audience focussed not traffic-targeted

There is a lot of content being placed online every day, a lot of which is for SEO purposes. But not all of that content is quality, it is just articles stuffed with keywords to try and create traffic. Businesses using SEO for only that purpose will start to do less well now and rankings focus more on SEO Toms content that gives the audience what they want.

Place more importance on author authority

Another issue with content in recent years online is that auto generated content is used to affect rankings. Google prefers content written by genuine people with real things to say to real audiences. People writing content should know something about what they are saying and their experience can be elevated in three ways;

  1. The creation of author pages where you can link in the content to a page that references the author and to other articles they have written.
  2. With the article might be something like an author bio to better communicate to the reader the creator’s expertise, knowledge and authenticity.
  3. Including links to the author or creator’s social media pages so Google and other search engines can see they are real people and that they have a real knowledge of the content they are producing.

Provide content that is helpful and satisfying

Algorithms are evolving and changing that impact the content that can be created online for SEO Wall purposes. Now, as well as focusing on high-quality content it also emphasizes the need for content to be satisfying and helpful to readers. This means content should be created for real audiences, not for search engines. It should be appropriate for the audience it is targeting. It should be content that suits the website it is for and created by experienced and knowledgeable creators who have a depth of knowledge on the subject.

More automated SEO

While automation is not the only SEO Toms River way it does have a place in certain places. For example used for site auditing purposes to detect website issues and changes, in the form of keyword research tools and for those with less SEO knowledge to help with prioritizing what is needed.

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