*Best Inventory Control Software For SMEs & MSMEs in 2021*

Posted by Kushal Verma
May 28, 2021


Establishing and running a business enterprise can be stressful and painful if you don’t have the right tool for better management. By mentioning the right tool here we mean the right inventory software for small business. We are very sure that now you must be wondering how exactly one can choose the best inventory management software for SMEs & MSMEs, right? If yes, then drop all your worries now and let us help you. 

Getting confused while opting for the inventory tracking system for your business enterprise is a normal thing as there are a number of paid and free inventory software available in the marketplace. And inventory software for small business is really very necessary as they play an important role to drive a business towards success. Even a number of business experts call the inventory the backbone of any SME and MSME. While running any business, accuracy is the key and a high level of accuracy for inventory is a must. Just a single or even a minor error in inventory can cause unnecessary purchases, inadequate stocks, and shipment delays. So, to avoid all this unnecessary chaos, let’s take a look at “How to Choose the Right Inventory Software For SMEs & MSMEs”.

How to Choose the Right Inventory Software For SMEs & MSMEs?

Create a List of Your Business Needs and Challenges

Before investing in any inventory tracking system, we will recommend you prepare a list of your business requirements. It means that your list must highlight the needs and challenges of your business. This way, you will be able to choose the free inventory management software in India which can easily focus upon all the pain points of your business. This list will even help you to determine the features that you want in your Inventory Control System. So, prepare this list as a first priority!

Server Based or Cloud-Based Inventory System

The very next thing that you need to consider is that if your business needs a Server Based or Cloud-Based free inventory management software India. Here, you need to think about which one of these two can bring more benefit to your business. If you are struggling on a tight budget, then Cloud-based can be a budget-friendly choice. And if there is no such case, then you can also go with the Server Based Inventory System or commonly referred to as the download version. Although we will recommend you the Marg Inventory Software Software which is considered as one of the best free Inventory Software of 2021 to easily manage the complete Inventory System of your Business Enterprise. Moreover, Marg Inventory software is available both online & offline. 

Keep Your Inventory Management Policies in Mind  

While choosing the right inventory tracking system for SME and MSME, one always needs to keep their Inventory Management Policies in mind to avoid post-purchase consequences. Every business has their own inventory management policies which define the movement of your products, how you track costs, and how to prevent losses or shortages. This is the best way to choose the free inventory management software in India which can perfectly fit within all the requirements of your business enterprise. 

Take a Detailed Look at Features of the Inventory Control System

Features and functionalities of an Inventory Control System determine if your business will be able to meet the requirements of your customers or not. So, take a closer look at the different features and functionalities of the Inventory System that you have decided on for your business. Wisely evaluate different features of the system like scalability, capability, and quality. And when it comes to this, then the Marg Inventory System comes at the top of all. This efficient and extraordinary Inventory Control System has all the features that you need to manage the Inventory of your SME and MSME in 2021.  

Top Reasons to Choose Marg Inventory System

Inventory Tracking

When it comes to the right inventory control system, then the Marg Inventory System is counted among the top Game Changers for any business. It simplifies all hectic tasks in just a few clicks of the button. It is quite reliable to keep track of all the saleable products, accessories, substitutes, and even expiry dates. 

Barcode Scanning

This is one of the crucial features for any inventory system and Marg Inventory Control System is complemented with this feature to get rid of all the exhaustion that you face while manually keying SKUs. If you will ask about its compatibility, then you will be glad to know that it is compatible with various types of barcode scanners. So, no more exhaustion while adding SKUs, serial numbers, and batch numbers.

GST Ready Solution

If you are using the Marg Inventory Control System, then GST Billing and Return Filing can’t be hectic anymore. This advanced inventory software comes with GST Ready Solution which makes everything so easy. You can easily file GST Returns, TCS and TDS directly via GST Software. 

Reliable Warehouse Management

If you are not using the right Inventory Control Software for your Business enterprise, then everything becomes so hectic and the most hectic of all is Warehouse Management. Whereas, the Marg Inventory Software manages and tracks your stock in different warehouses, godowns, or shops so efficiently and effectively that you will have to worry about nothing at all. 

Final Words!

All we will recommend you to do is don’t choose just any Inventory Control System without giving it careful consideration otherwise you will have to regret it and may also need to pay a heavy cost of this mistake.

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