Best Homeopathy, therapeutic for Prostate | Aura Homeopathy

Posted by Aura Homeopathy
Dec 30, 2018

There are many homeopathic remedies that can be used to relieve pain and treat urinary problems caused by diseases of the prostate.

The prostate is a gland of the male reproductive system that has the function of secreting the liquid constituting the sperm. This organ can be affected by many diseases, including prostatism, prostatitis and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). It is called prostatism to the set of cancerous diseases of the prostate. Prostatitis, on the other hand, is manifested by inflammation of the gland in question, and can be acute or bacterial. Benign prostatic hyperplasia, on the other hand, is characterized by an increase in the volume of the prostate. Prostate disorders generally reach men of a certain age, between 40 and 60 years, and can be both painful and disabling. However, it is possible to treat them effectively with several homeopathic remedies.

Symptoms of diseases of the prostate

Prostate disorders are easy to diagnose. Prostatism, for example, is characterized by a reduction in urinary output as well as a frequent need to urinate. This pathology can cause lymphadenopathy and massive retention of urine associated with hematuria and frequency. On the other hand, prostatism is often accompanied by insomnia and physical or nervous tiredness. The symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia are quite similar to those of prostate cancer. However, the patient who suffers may also be a victim of dysuria or enuresis and have to make a great effort to urinate. Prostatitis, on the other hand, causes a decrease in urinary flow, painful urination or urinary retention associated with pain at the level of the pelvic region. When it is acute, it is accompanied by fever and pains in the level of the perineal region, intensified by the evacuation of urine and feces. When it is chronic, on the other hand, it is mainly characterized by urination disorders.

The treatment of urinary disorders caused by a disease of the prostate

Urinary disorders due to a condition of the prostate are usually treated with Belladonna and Myristica, to be taken two to three times a day. However, in the particular case of disorders caused by prostatis and manifested through sharply interrupted urination and resumed shortly thereafter, the recommended dosage is four granules of Sabal Serrulata and Conium Maculatum, to be administered one to several times per day, depending on the persistence of symptoms, which are recommended.

Treatment of pains in urination

The sensations of pain and burning sensation when urinating can be relieved with five granules of Staphysagria to be taken every two hours. The shots should be spaced according to the progressive disappearance of the symptoms. As for the perineal pains accompanied by frequent need to urinate, they can be relieved with Thuya mother tincture, to be taken twice a day after eating.

The adequate treatment in case of difficult or scarce urination

In case of HBP characterized by difficulties in urination, place a dose of Thujaunder the tongue, preferably every Sunday and administer Rana bufo granules, two to three times day. To eliminate the symptoms of the disease more quickly, it is also recommended to take fifteen drops of Sabal Serrulata MT or 10 drops of Pareira brava MT four times a day. In the case of frequent and scarce urination, it is necessary to resort to Baryta Carbonica three daily doses every two days.

When to see a Homeopathic doctor?

When the prostate disorder is serious and leads to an inability to evacuate urine, an abundant presence of blood in the urine, bladder dilation or renal dysfunction, it is always necessary to consult a homeopath or a doctor. In these cases, only health professionals will be able to prescribe the most appropriate treatment and, consequently, the remedies that allow avoiding complications.

Treatments and pathologies associated with prostate disorders

Associated pathologies




Important Thanks to homeopathic remedies, prostate diseases do not usually generate complications or sequelae, and patients who suffer from them can recover more easily from their ailment.

Best Homeopathic therapeutic for Prostate Disease

Baryta Carbonica

Benzoicum Acidum

Chimaphila Umbellata

Conium Maculatum

Hepar Sulfuris Calcareum

Lycopodium Clavatum


Sabal Serrulata



Thuja Occidentalis

The present article does not intend to supplant the advice to the specialist doctor, who will be the one who evaluates the degree of commitment and the prognosis of the affection.

In any case, it does not affect anything to request a consultation with a classical homeopath, a professional who will select which natural medicine is the most appropriate for each case. View more info@ Homeopathy doctor in Delhi


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