Best Airbnb management techniques in Melbourne, Australia

Posted by Mikal Jason
Apr 4, 2023

Airbnb has become a popular alternative to traditional hotel stays and is increasingly being utilized by travelers worldwide. Airbnb management requires skills that often involve a real estate agent and skills in customer service, communication, and problem-solving. Melbourne has been particularly successful in developing an accommodation market for Airbnb properties. Here are some of the Airbnb management techniques that the best airbnb management companies use in Melbourne, Australia.


1. Working with professional Airbnb management companies

Airbnb management companies are experts in property and customer management. These companies offer dedicated teams that work with homeowners to manage their Airbnb properties efficiently. In Melbourne, Airbnb management companies provide a range of services, including professional cleaning, dependable maintenance, and prompt communication with guests. One of the most significant benefits of working with an Airbnb management company is that they are well-versed in local regulations and requirements, ensuring your property complies with any necessary rules or permits.

2. Investing in quality furnishings

Furnishing your Airbnb property with quality elements can make it stand out and attract more guests. This could mean investing in comfortable beds, stylish and functional furniture, and a fully equipped kitchen. Noise-cancelling curtains, quality linen, and toiletries can also make a significant difference in guests' experience.

3. Providing 24/7 customer support

Guests will occasionally require assistance during their stay. Guests can reach out to you or your management company via Airbnb messaging. Still, it’s crucial to provide 24/7 customer support to ensure you attend to guests' needs and offer prompt solutions to any arising issues.

4. Optimize pricing strategies

Determining the right price for your property can be a challenge, especially if you’re unfamiliar with current market rates or your competitors. It is essential to understand how to adjust your pricing strategy based on demand, supply, seasonality, and events in your area. This will enable you to offer competitive rates while maximizing your profits.

5. Engaging with your guests

Guests want to feel welcome and appreciated. Engagement can start from the very moment a guest books a stay until they check-out. Friendly communication, being responsive to inquiries and requests, and providing thoughtful amenities can enhance the overall experience for guests. This can lead to positive reviews and repeat business.

6. Flexible check-in and check-out policies

Providing flexibility with check-in and check-out times can impact guests' experience positively. Guests' travel arrangements may vary, and allowing them to check-in early or check-out late can accommodate their schedule and leave them feeling valued and respected.

7. Professional cleaning services

The cleanliness of your Airbnb property is essential to guests' experience. Regular and thorough cleaning is vital to ensure guests feel welcomed, comfortable, and safe. It is essential to engage a professional cleaning service to ensure the Airbnb property is cleaned to a high standard consistently. This also acts as a good strategy to protect the investment in the long-term, as regular maintenance prevents issues from escalating into more significant problems.

8. Hiring professional contractors to work on your property for building repairs and maintenance.  For example if you have a structural integrity issue, it's important to get a good engineer with right steel detailing and the right structural steel fabricators to help fix any issues.


Airbnb management in Melbourne requires a range of techniques geared towards optimizing your property, understanding your market, and offering excellent customer service. Professional management companies are your ally in ensuring your property's success while earning maximum revenue. Quality furnishing and fast responses to guests' inquiries enhance the Airbnb property's perception, while flexible policies show concern for guests' comfort. By adopting these seven techniques, managing a successful Airbnb property in Melbourne can be an enjoyable and profitable venture.
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