Basic Skin-Care Solutions for Newborns
Fixing the number of baths of small babies protects the baby from unwanted dirt, germs and rashes. Using baby care wipes will keep the skin fresh and rashes free for long.
Your baby’s skin is sensitive and needs to be taken care of properly. For proper skincare, it is important for mothers to fix a skincare routine and a bathing schedule. Ideally, babies need a bath only 2-3 times a week or alternate days. Mothers should prefer giving a bath to their babies just before feeding as doing this is considered to be most effective. Below are a few tips to be followed for taking proper care of baby:
● Collect bathing essentials
Mothers should use bathing items like thick towels, soft washcloths, cotton balls, baby shampoo, baby soaps and clean diapers to give a proper bath to the baby. Using bathing essentials would keep the skin clean and free from rashes.
● Fix number of baths
Babies should be given bath for maximum 2-3 times a week in order to avoid irritation and dryness on their skin. For newborn babies with an umbilical cord, mothers should give a sponge-bath using a clean washcloth. While giving a bath to your baby, focus on the armpits, neck, knees, toes, genitals and behind ears as these places develop the maximum amount of bacteria.
● Use Authentic Baby-Care Products
It is normal for babies to start feeling allergic to certain skin products. Choosing fragrance-free and tear-free shampoos and natural gels and lotions will preserve the natural skin of babies and avoid rashes. Keeping the baby’s skin moisturized for long is also suggested. Using baby soaps will keep the baby’s skin soft and is better than using perfumed or deodorant sprays.
● Protecting from diaper rash
Diaper rashes are caused because of reasons like irritation from the stool/urine, sensitivity of the skin and tightness of the diaper. To avoid rashes from occurring frequently, parents should make sure the diapers are kept clean and dry throughout. Using wipes before changing the diaper will help in keeping the skin protected from unseen germs and bacteria.
Baby wipes are a very useful product which makes the diapering experience altogether better. The usage of wipes keeps the bottom cleaner, softer and prevents the formation of a bad smell. Baby wipes price is not that expensive and parents can purchase it without thinking twice.
Parents will be able to get the best price for baby wipes online as the product is available on discounted prices. There are several ecommerce websites which have the best of brands listed at discounted prices.