Award-Winning Ethiopian Light Roasts, Perfect For French Press Coffee Brewing

Posted by PRC Agency
May 24, 2023

Ethiopia is often regarded as the birthplace of coffee. It’s no wonder that Ethiopian coffee is widely sought after by coffee lovers all over the world. And let’s be real: would any connoisseur be able to pass up that complex, exquisite flavor, rife with fruity notes and floral hints waltzing together on the tongue?

If you’re a coffee aficionado who simply can’t resist, then it’s time to get brewing, and great Ethiopian brews can only be made with great Ethiopian beans. And when it comes to beans, GoCoffeeGo has nothing but the best! We’re talking beans from award-winning roasters here! You can’t get better than that!

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So what sets this coffee apart from others? First of all, GoCoffeeGo hand-selects premium varieties from highly acclaimed vendors in the industry, gathering many hard-to-find gourmet coffees into a single place for easy perusal. A single coffee shop on a single Internet tab, with all the coffee you can ask for! How convenient is that?

Second of all, GoCoffeeGo offers its specialty coffees in different grinds - including grinds that are the perfect size for that fancy French press you were trying to find a use for. Now it no longer has to gather dust in your cupboard!

Now, let’s get into the actual coffee. One of the latest additions to GoCoffeeGo’s Ethiopian collection is the Adame Kebele Ethiopia, a coffee that originates from the Yirgacheffe region. The beans are roasted by Novo Coffee, a vendor who is devoted to quality without sacrificing socio-economic and environmental responsibility. The Adame Kebele Ethiopia boasts the uncommon Grade 0 rating, ranking it above Grade 1 specialty coffee and denoting beans of the highest standards.

You heard that right: this coffee is so good that it’s a step above the highest-ranking coffees out there! Can you imagine what that’d taste like? Actually, scratch that - you don’t have to imagine it when you can just grab a bag from GoCoffeeGo!

Another product you would love is Ethiopia Bombe Natural, a roast made from Ethiopian heirloom cultivars grown in the Sidama region. This is a fruity coffee with a light, sweet body, vibrant acidity, and notes of passion fruit, orange, and maple. Olympia Coffee, the provider of this single-origin coffee, engages directly with the farmers they are partnered with, ensuring that everyone involved in the production process is paid fairly. A sweet coffee made sweeter by the ethics behind it!

Also notable is the Limmu Kossa, Heirloom - Ethiopia, a coffee produced in Jimma, Ethiopia. The heirloom coffee plants used for this roast are grown organically beneath the shade of native tree species, causing the fruit to develop and ripen more slowly. Just so you know, shade-grown coffee is more environmentally friendly; it preserves the natural ecosystem and decreases soil erosion and water usage. This is great for biodiversity, not to mention sustainability in general.

Growing coffee plants in the shade also imparts the bean with more flavor upon harvest, making the Limmu Kossa, Heirloom - Ethiopia a sweet, floral beverage with notes of citrus, mandarin orange, cane sugar, and lemon dust. Better for the environment, and tastier for you; it’s a win-win situation!

There’s more where that came from. In addition to its Ethiopian coffee, GoCoffeeGo also sells Colombian, Brazilian, Indonesian, French, and Italian coffee, among many others. When it comes to coffee, GoCoffeeGo has it all.

Having been in business for more than a decade, GoCoffeeGo prides itself on being the premier online marketplace for gourmet coffee. The company has served over 10 million customers to date.

And you could be one of those customers too. Whether you’re hankering for a taste of Yirgacheffe, Sidama, or any other region in Ethiopia, GoCoffeeGo has a roast for you. You don’t even have to leave your kitchen for it - not when GoCoffeeGo can bring every part of Ethiopia right to your doorstep!

Visit to get started today!

GoCoffeeGo LLC 2027 Fillmore Street Suite GoCoffeeGo, San Francisco, CA 94115, United States Website Phone +1-415-225-6544
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