Alternative Therapy For Scoliosis
Scoliosis is a spinal deformity that results in curvature of the spine to one side or the other by 15 to 50 degrees. Though the curve of the spine usually gets treated as one grows, if it goes more than 15 degrees and doesn’t recover with age, treatment is crucial.
In a study by National Scoliosis Foundation, the total number of Scoliosis cases in America is estimated to be more than 4 million, and out of these, most cases comprise of school-age children aged between 10-14.
What is Scoliosis?
Scoliosis, majorly considered as a neuromuscular condition, is a medical condition influenced by many unknown factors in which the spine bends or curves sideways to 15 degrees and in some cases, to more than 50 degrees. Usually seen as a bone condition, it can affect any part of the spine and can lead to many problems, including disability, difficulty breathing, and many others. However, it commonly impacts the lower back and thoracic region. In some cases, it can even tilt the pelvis. The spinal curves are generally C or S-shaped. Most of the patients need to have spinal decompression surgery in critical cases.
Alternative therapy for Scoliosis
When it comes to correcting Scoliosis, traditional treatments such as observation, bracing, and surgery is normally advised. However, with the proven effectiveness of alternative therapy in Scoliosis patients, many health experts and doctors recommend alternative therapy for Scoliosis over traditional treatment. These therapies include :
Some specific yoga poses have been proven very beneficial in treating the curvature of the spine if appropriately performed under the guidance of yoga experts who have prior experience with Scoliosis therapies. However, certain yoga maneuvers can do more harm than good, and this is why it’s always recommended to practice yoga for Scoliosis under a trained instructor.
Physical therapy
Though physical therapy exercises usually are not focused on treating Scoliosis, some Scoliosis-specific exercises can improve the condition remarkably. Before opting for any traditional treatment such as bracing or surgery, physical therapy should be tried under a trained instructor. Besides, you will find a number of doctors suggesting you get robotic spine surgery.
Scoliosis-Specific Chiropractic
Well, Chiropractic has its charm in treating a number of spinal problems. In Scoliosis, Scoliosis-focused chiropractic can be very helpful. This is to keep in mind that the traditional chiropractic is not recommended and should be avoided at all costs.
If you or your loved one has Scoliosis, opting for these alternative therapies for Scoliosis should be your priority over conventional treatment options. Make sure you always consult a Scoliosis doctor before going for any alternative treatment. If you want to reach out to the best Florida spine institute, then search online.
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