All You Need to Know About Infertility Counselling

Posted by Shivani Sachdev
May 7, 2021

Infertility can be diagnosed either in the male, female or in both. Infertility may influence a couple’s relationship, adversely. Infertility may change the point of view of the afflicted couple towards sexual behaviour, sexual desires and satisfaction. It may affect the marital relationship, self-confidenceand self-esteem of the couple and can cause depression and anxiety.

Infertility counselling helps afflicted couples to feel comfortable, accept and understand the fact, prepare to deal with the situation, and finally letting they know the treatments for Infertility. Infertility counselling is performed by professional medical health professional or counsellors. SCI IVF HOSPITAL – Best Infertility Clinic in Delhi NCR has a staff of medical professionals, who are experienced in handling the infertility situation and addressing the emotional difficulties of the couple.

What Type of Infertility Counselling a Patient Required?

The type of Infertility Counselling that a patient required totally depends on the stage of infertility. There are the following types of counselling that a professional counsellor can opt for.

·         Early Phase of Counselling: This counselling basically monitors the patients’ overall behaviour, state of mind and their attitude towards their infertility problem. In this counselling, the counsellor observes whether the partners are on the same page in handling the situation or not. In some cases, partners blame each other for infertility, they cannot agree on the same option for the treatment of infertility, or one of the partners blame him/herself for the condition. In such a situation, the infertility counsellor helps them to understand that this can happen with anyone, regardless the gender and helps them with the best option for treatment.

·         Counselling for Confidence Building: This counselling basically focuses on the suggestive options to treat infertility. If a couple has accepted the infertility issue but is unsure of the treatment, they require confidence building counselling. In this case, the counsellor tries to understand, why the couple is in fear for treatment and unsure of the options. Most of the time, the couple hasa lack of confidence, lack of family support, and other social aspects. Counsellor helps coupleto build their confidence on the doctor who is going to handle their case.

·         Psychological Counselling: This counselling targets some intense situations, where a couple goes through extreme depression. Depression may occur due to bad experiences of earlier treatments, marital issues between partners,or any other psychological issues.


Why an Expert Help is needed for Infertility Counselling?

Any sexual disorder such as infertility is a very personal thing for a couple that cannot be shared with anyone. An expert and experienced counsellor maintain the confidentiality of the matter. Once a couple decidesfor theinfertility treatment to become parents, they may not aware of the treatment options. They may also concern about the risks in treatment and may not be confident. Here an expert may help them to understand the requirements of each step of treatment and be prepared for further journey.

Acounsellor can help them tackle their fears and build trust in treatment procedures. A counsellor is responsible for the following aspects in the whole process.

  • Understanding the couples’ mental state, and making both partners to understand each other’s expectations and ambitions throughout the treatment journey.
  • Encouraging couple to express each difficulty and fear.
  • Helping couples to tackle emotional situations.
  • Making patient believein the medical treatment and doctors.
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