Alcohol Screening Breathalyzer for Preventing Drunk Driving | ALCOFIND

Posted by Professional Writer
Aug 23, 2023

The ALCOFIND alcohol screening breathalyzer is a portable device used to estimate a person's blood alcohol concentration (BAC) by analyzing their breath. It is commonly used in various settings, such as law enforcement, workplace safety, and personal use. The primary purpose of a breathalyzer is to quickly determine whether someone has been drinking and whether their BAC is over the legal limit for driving or engaging in certain activities.


Here's How An Alcohol Screening Breathalyzer Typically Works:


Breath sample

The user blows into the breathalyzer, and the device captures a sample of their breath.


Alcohol detection

The breathalyzer analyzes the breath sample for alcohol content. It measures the concentration of ethanol in the breath.


BAC estimation

Based on the alcohol concentration in the breath sample, the breathalyzer estimates the person's BAC. The estimation is typically displayed as a numerical value, such as 0.08%, which is the legal limit for driving in many countries.


ALCOFIND AF-23 Personal Use Products


 The ALCOFIND AF-23, equipped with an advanced Fuel Cell Sensor, is the perfect personal breathalyzer, combining convenience with portability.


Key Features of AF-23 Personal Use Products

Ø  Advanced fuel cell sensor

Ø  Store a previous test result

Ø  Battery level indicator and notification

Ø  Power saving function (automatic power off)

Ø  Test number display


The ALCOFIND alcohol screening breathalyzer is a valuable tool for preventing drunk driving. It is a reliable and accurate device that can be used by a variety of people. If you are looking for a breathalyzer to measure your BAC, the ALCOFIND alcohol screening breathalyzer is a good option to consider.


Click here to contact ALCOFIND.


View more: ALCOFIND Alcohol Screening Breathalyzer for Preventing Drunk Driving
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