Abstract Portrait Photography

Posted by Abhinav G.
May 19, 2020
Creative Photography – More Than Pushing A Button

Creative photography has come far since the old Minolta’s, and huge equipment. In fact, everything has decreased in size, except for the Megabytes in a digital camera!

But another thing has changed as well; the creative design and layout of taking pictures.

Photography is now much more than just taking snapshots with stuffy poses behind a humdrum muslin background. It is about breaking the norm, and modifying the rules to form a new genre of artistic and creative photographic images.

Splash Portraits realizes the need for this and would like to encourage all photographers and would be photographers to break out of the box!

For example, the “rule of thirds” which most older photographers would sware by, is now only a “guideline”, but not a ‘set-in-stone” ordinance. While you can stick to this rule, it may now not be the most creative way to go about it.

We have faces that totally bleed off the view area and are cropped by the edges. We have dark photos that highlight only features of a face, rather than the whole subject lit up. We have extreme vivid colors that would once be considered too “extreme” for professional photography standards.

In fact, the limits on what is considered standard posing is quickly becoming obsolete. Angles that would once mean you could not take a straight shot, now seem “in style’ and normal culture among digital photographers.

Design and layout now is a part of taking pictures and “custom” photography is considered a normal territory for everyone from seniors taking hot shots, to couples in abstract settings.

Remember, no more simple pusing a button with loud explosive powder flying through the air. It’s click, then a click of the mouse. Better pictures and a better creative way.
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