About Miami Slip and Fall & Trip and Fall Accidents

Posted by Jack Hill
Sep 30, 2013

The CP Law Firm, PA in Miami has represented hundreds of clients for slip and fall and/or trip and fall accidents that occur every day. In Miami, a homeowner and/or business owner has a duty to use reasonable care to maintain the premises under their ownership and control. They also have the duty to correct any known defects in the premises that may give rise to injuries to persons that are invited to visit the premises.

As often is the case in Miami, business owners and homeowners alike put profit before people and although they know or should have known of defects in the properties they own or control, the issues are ignored and left to cause dangerous conditions for invitees. The law in Florida allows for persons who are injured by slip fall or trip fall injuries to collect compensation for injuries sustained. That is not to say that if you slip or trip and fall at a Miami business that you are automatically entitled to compensation. The facts and circumstances that caused the slipfall or trip fall must be investigated, preserved, documented and proven in order to receive compensation.

The attorneys at CP Law Firm, PA are trained to investigate the facts and circumstances that give rise to the client's injury at a business or homeowner premises. As often is the case in slip fall and trip fall cases, the business or homeowner in Miami will defend any claims against them. Often the defenses presented are not accurate, factual, or legal. The attorneys at CP Law Firm, PA are experienced in the pursuit of compensation for injuries sustained in slipfall and tripfall cases. We begin with a client meeting to understand the facts of the Miami slip fall or trip fall in detail. We then investigate the claim by contacting the business owner or homeowner. What follows is an examination and discussion of the injuries and follow-up with the treating physicians until a point where the client reaches maximum medical improvement from the injuries sustained in the tripfall or slip fall. An analysis of the case value is made and a demand letter is sent to the business or homeowner responsible for the slip fall or trip fall in order to secure monetary compensation.

Often times slip fall and trip fall cases against business or homeowners cannot be resolved amicably and a lawsuit must be filed. Before any lawsuits are filed by the attorneys at CP Law Firm, PA in Miami a complex legal analysis is made along with a cost/benefit analysis to the client. Both analyses have been made in trip fall and slip fall cases hundreds of times for our clients in the past. The attorneys at CP Law Firm, PA in Miami have experience and background necessary to confidently, professionally, and successfully handle your slip fall or trip fall case.

What is the Value of Your Miami Slip Fall or Trip Fall Injury Claim?

Each personal injury case is different and it is totally unreasonableand inaccurate to predict a specific amount of money you will receive from a successful Miami slip fall or trip fall personal injury claim. Damages awarded in a Miami trip fall or slip fall injury claim include, but are not limited to the following:

* Medical expenses related to the treatment for the injury suffered in the past, present and future;
* Lost wages and lost earning capacity in the past present and future;
* Property damage and diminished value the client's motor vehicle;
* Pain and suffering in the past, present and future;
* Permanent disability and scarring;
* Loss of enjoyment of life;
* Loss of consortium (for spouses of injured clients)

CP Law Firm helping peoples with all their legal issues like personal injury lawyer in miami, miami car accident lawyer, family law attorney miami & accidental matters.

Article Source - http://goarticles.com/article/Miami-Slip-and-Fall-and-Trip-and-Fall-Accidents/7905599/

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