A guide to bladeless eye surgery

Posted by Alana Alex
Dec 6, 2015
Image What is bladeless eye surgery?

Bladeless LASIK eye surgery is the procedure where the vision is corrected for the patients who suffer from the symptoms of far sightedness, near sightedness or astigmatism. All of the above mentioned conditions have one thing in common; the eye is unable to correctly focus on the objects that are far away and near. In a crucial part of the procedure of LASIK eye surgery, the LASIK surgeons create a tissue flap using a laser or a blade. The criticality of the situation is that the procedure can never be reversed.

Difference between traditional eye surgery and bladeless eye surgery:

In a traditional eye surgery, the LASIK surgeons make use of a sharp blade (known as microkeratome) in order to incise the eye’s cornea for creating a hinged flap. After the procedure is done, the same protective tissue flap facilitates the eye’s cornea to get healed naturally at a quick pace. Little or no discomfort is experienced during this phase.

On the other hand, bladeless LASIK eye surgery is a much more advanced way to do the same procedure. It makes use of an accurate, high beam of laser for creating the tissue flap instead of using the fine blade. This procedure evolved in the last decade of the 20th century and since its evolution, it has been a very promising tool in performing such surgeries. The level of safety is much greater in comparison to typical bladed surgeries.

Is it safe to get a bladeless eye surgery?

Both the bladed and bladeless eye surgical procedures are known to be pretty safe. But with the evolution of the femtosecond laser beam, the procedure of bladeless eye surgery has become even safer. The risk of any sort of complications regarding corneal flap has greatly decreased in bladeless surgery.

Some of the patients who undergo the LASIK bladeless eye surgery sometime require having a second surgical procedure which is named as an enhancement or a touchup by the eye surgeons. The bladeless procedure of LASIK is known to provide safer touchups in comparison to bladed eye surgeries. Moreover, according to a recent study conducted by a famous medical research institute tells us that bladeless eye surgeries undergo very less chances of any corneal complications in comparison to the typical bladed eye surgeries. Moreover, according to another research, the patients who underwent bladeless eye surgery using femtosecond laser beams had a very fast recover and they experience much better vision in comparison to those who received bladed eye surgical procedures.

Is it better for me to have bladeless eye surgery?

It won’t be wrong to say that both bladed and bladeless eye surgical procedures make their place among some of the finest and safest surgical procedures in the world.

Different patients have different levels of self-immunity and self-recovery systems. Although bladeless eye surgeries have a lot of plus points but it may not always be the best suited choice for you. You may consult a specialist eye surgeon in order to learn if bladeless eye surgery is good for you or not.
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