Calgary Prostate Cancer Monthly Meetings Offer Support For Warriors & Families

Posted by PRC Agency
Nov 1, 2024

Whether you're a cancer survivor or just starting your battle, you'll find practical information and emotional support at the monthly meetings hosted by PROSTAID Calgary.

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The organization's next monthly support group event is set for November 20, 2024, at 7:30 PM and will feature Jeremiah La Follette as a speaker.

Connect With Peers

Jeremiah is a registered Professional Counsellor (RPC) with the Canadian Professional Counsellors Association (CPCA), and specializes in supporting individuals, couples, and families through the process of finding repair from cancer-related trauma and difficult life circumstances.

Statistics show that prostate cancer is the second most commonly diagnosed form of cancer among men worldwide, with around 1.4 million diagnoses and 375,000 deaths every year. With a commitment to providing warriors, survivors, and caregivers with the emotional and practical support they need, PROSTAID Calgary offers regular events as a way for you and your loved ones to engage with others who are traveling a similar path.

Learn About Current Research

“Our monthly meetings feature prominent health specialists and include an opportunity to catch up with old friends or make new friends,” says a spokesperson. “Our objective is to assist and support patients, families, and friends by informing, empathizing, and reassuring men on their journey with prostate cancer. By sharing our experiences with our own cancer we lift our spirits and strengthen our resolve to fight for quality of life and a cure.”

The organization’s three primary objectives are to provide peer-to-peer mutual support for men and their families on their journey with prostate cancer, to increase public awareness and understanding of the disease, and to advocate for a strong provincial voice in matters relating to prostate cancer.

Access Resources

In addition to hosting monthly meetings in Calgary, they provide a monthly journal, The Digital Examiner, which currently has over 1300 subscribers and is available without charge. You can also find a wealth of resources relating to prostate cancer care, research, and treatment options on the organization’s website.

If you want to participate in the November 20, 2024 meeting, you can register to attend via Zoom, or go in person. The PROSTAID Calgary monthly meeting will be held at the CKE Community Center, located at 1015 73 Ave SW, in Calgary.

Reach out for the care and peer support you need - contact PROSTAID Calgary today!

Find more information and register for the meeting at

Prostaid Calgary City: Calgary Address: 1600 90 Avenue Southwest Website: Phone: +1 403 455 1916
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