Join Worldwide Million Hearts Meditation Event To Promote US Election Harmony

Posted by PRC Agency
2 hours ago

No matter what your political leanings might be, it's clear that the US and the world at large need peace and harmony more than ever. That's where the Million Hearts Meditation comes in – a global event that will bring the world together just before US election day.

Help turn a ripple of positive energy into a tide by joining the Million Hearts Meditation this November. Sign up today! More details at

When Does It Start?

The event will take place on November the 3rd from 5 pm to 6 pm PST (8:00 pm EST | 7:00 pm CST | 6:00 pm MST). The Million Hearts Meditation aims to gather one million people across the globe for a mass meditation. You can watch the live stream on YouTube and participating in the event is completely free!

Collective Transformation

The meditation session will bring together people from all walks of life and all sides of the political divide. With emotions and ideological divisions running high as election day approaches, the Million Hearts Meditation will provide an opportunity for connection and spiritual harmony in pursuit of collective transformation. Join the event and put all your positive energy into the mix!

Braun's Brainchild

River Braun – a renowned meditation instructor and founder of Million Hearts Meditation – conceived the event during a recent sailing trip. He explains, “I felt an undeniable calling to gather one million people for a massive group meditation. I initially thought this would happen in 2025 but something shifted. Now I know that we need to do this before the 2024 election, to encourage people to vote from their hearts, not from fear or division.”

The Ripple Effect

Braun points to research from the HeartMath Institute that suggests large group meditations can have measurable, positive effects on communities, promoting peace and healing while reducing stress. During the event, he'll guide you through a heart-focused meditation punctuated by periods of silence.

Braun says, “By gathering 1 million people to meditate, we are creating a powerful field of coherence that can ripple through our communities, affecting how we treat one another and even how we engage in the democratic process. This is about shifting from fear and division to love and unity.”

All Are Welcome

The event is open to everyone and you don't need any previous experience of meditating. Braun will send instructions and practice recommendations in advance to help you prepare for the event. You just need a quiet and comfortable space where you can meditate without distractions.

How Do I Sign Up?

You can sign up via the Million Hearts Meditation website. If you run or work in a yoga center, community space, or wellness facility, you can also register to host your own local event. The organization is also calling for volunteers to help spread the word in their communities and online. Additional details are available here:

Raise the love vibration with Million Heart Meditation!

For more info, go to

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