Teeth Scaling and Polishing

Posted by Jitender Kumar
Oct 8, 2024

Good oral hygiene requires more than the ordinary brushing and flossing of teeth. Professional dental treatments for cleaning include teeth scaling and polishing that remove plaque, tartar, and surface stains so that the smile will be clean and healthy. In this article, we will discuss why there is a need for scaling and polishing, how it is done, and what you can expect from your dentist once you visit.

Source: https://thedentalcure.com/cleaning-teeth-scaling-polishing/

What is Teeth Scaling?

The process of dental scaling is also generally known as teeth scaling. This removes the tartar that is an advanced form of hardened plaque together with the germs created on the surfaces of the teeth, and even beneath the gum line. A must for preventing gum diseases and most oral diseases, usually with the help of hand instruments like manual scalers, or ultrasonic devices for proper cleaning.

Advantages of Teeth Scaling

Prevention of Gum Disease: Tartar removal eliminates the possibility for gingivitis and periodontitis through scaling.

Fresh Breath: The scale removes bacteria that cause some halitosis, or bad breath.

Protection Against Tooth Loss: Untreated gum diseases can lead to loss of teeth. Scaling keeps you with healthy gums and teeth.

General Health: Oral germs may spread into the blood; that increases chances of spreading to your heart and other internal body parts. Scaling reduces the chance of such incidences

What is Teeth Polishing?

Teeth polishing is a cosmetic and preventive procedure when providing dental therapy after the process of scaling. It removes superficial stains and minor plaque buildup to the teeth to make them shine and smooth. In the process, polish is put through a rotating rubber cup with a mildly abrasive paste to buff a smoother surface of the teeth.

Benefits of Polishing the Teeth

Removes surface stains: You are able to remove surface stains caused by coffee, tea, wine, and tobacco.

Makes your teeth surfaces smooth: The treatment makes your teeth feel more smooth thus reducing the risk of piquant growth .

Brings a better smile: Polishing ensures your teeth appear brighter white, thereby providing you with a good face.

How Teeth Scaling and Polishing is performed?

Scale and polish is typically carried out as part of a single session. Here's what you can expect when you get the procedure done:

Step 1: Assessment

Your dentist or hygienist takes a quick look inside your mouth to see how things look in your teeth and gums. This decides where to focus, whether it's removal of tartar or gum signs of disease.

Step 2: Scaling

Scaling of the teeth is initiated by a dentist through an ultrasonic scaler or a manual scaler. When using the ultrasonic scaler, it works through vibrations which help break away tartar and plaque, and the loosened particles can be rinsed off with water. It would pay attention both above and below the gumline to completely remove the debris.

Step 3: Polishing

After scaling is thorough, your dentist will then polish. Here, the dentist uses a small, soft rubber cup that rotates to work with a type of polish. The actual polish has abrasives and gently removes surface staining and infinitesimal plaque from your teeth, giving them smooth and shiny.

Step 4: Fluoride Treatment (Optional)

They might even give some fluoride treatment, according to the dentist, after scaling and polishing, to further strengthen the enamel of your teeth for its protection against cavities. Fluoride varnish applied to the teeth leaves it on the teeth for about several minutes.

How Often Should You Get Your Teeth Scaled and Polished?

In fact, the time scale of scaling and polishing will depend on your personal oral health. Most individuals will be able to continue with the visit made by the dentist for scaling and polishing every six months. Those patients who already have gum disease or severe tartar deposits, however, will require cleaning sessions held more frequently, every three to four months.

Does Teeth Scaling and Polishing Hurt?

This procedure will be less painful to most patients. However, some are sensitive to tartar buildup and gum irritation. Topical anesthesia or anesthetic gels on the affected areas may be applied if necessary to ensure better comfort. Your dentist will take all the precautions required to ensure that you stay comfortable throughout the treatment process.

Side Effects of Teeth Scaling and Polishing

Scaling and polishing procedures are generally safe, but there are some minor side effects that can occur; these are explained below:

  • Transient tooth hypersensitivity: Most patients suffer from a degree of sensitivity to hot or cold for the first two or three days after scaling.

  • Gum sensitivity: Gums may feel a little sore for one or two days afterwards.

  • Bleeding gums: When there is periodontal disease, you are likely to bleed during or immediately after scaling.

They are mostly transient and, in a few days, disappear. Good oral hygiene would prevent discomfort.

Post Care Tips for Teeth Scaling and Polishing

Good after-care will ensure that the results of your scaling and polishing do not fade away in a short period of time. Here are some tips on how to take care of your teeth:

  • Brush twice a day: Use soft-bristled toothbrushes and fluoride-based toothpastes for proper cleaning of the teeth.

  • Flossing daily: If you floss the right way, it will remove plaque along the gum line and in-between the teeth.

  • Mouthwash: Use an antiseptic mouthwash that has the germs-killing ability for you to be able to kill more germs and freshen up your breath.

  • Limit staining foods and drinks: Avoid beverages such as coffee, tea, red wine, etc. so that your bright smile can remain shiny.

  • Quit smoking: Tobacco-related stains do not easily disappear, and smoking also poses a risk to gum health.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: How long does teeth scaling and polishing take?

A standard procedure takes about 30 minutes to an hour depending on the level of tartar and the number of teeth to be cleaned.


Q2: Can I eat after the scaling and polishing?

Absolutely, but wait at least 30 minutes after the procedure; if you received fluoride treatment applied, then wait as your dentist advises you wait for a few hours before getting something to eat.

Q3: Does scaling and polishing make my teeth whiter?

Scaling and polishing will remove surface stains and plaque. They cannot change the natural coloring of your teeth, however. For significant whitening, professional treatments are necessary.

Q4: Does scaling damage my teeth?

No. Scaling is a treatment that prevents gum disease and decays teeth.

Q5: Can scaling of the teeth treat gum disease?

Scaling can manage mild gum disease gingivitis by removing bacteria and tartar causing inflammation. However, managing severe gum disease periodontitis is more challenging.


One of the most basic requirements for perfect oral health is to have your teeth scaled and polished. The two procedures will help prevent gum diseases and tooth decay besides making your smile attractive. Cleanings in a dentist's office together with proper oral hygiene will ensure your teeth and gums are healthy. If it has been a while since you had a cleaning, consider making an appointment today to enjoy the benefits of a cleaner, healthier mouth.

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